Book 1 - Chapter 6

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"That ceremony was beautiful," Leah said, insinuating that the memorial they had hosted for Monique and the dead witches touched her heart.

"Yeah, I'm surprised to hear you say that I always thought you were less on the emotional side..." Rose said.

"It's been a rough day," Leah said as she jumped into her bed. "I have a few classes tomorrow so I'll definitely be sleeping." She said as she turned the lights off and tried to ignore the morning light. As they had been up since midnight doing the spell.

Rose and Leah both were laying on their beds as they discussed what just happened.

"I'm gonna check on Mckayla tomorrow, see how she's holding up"

"Yeah... I really wish she used her powers more," Leah said, forgetting that Mckayla had no powers at all.

"She doesn't have any powers..." Rose said, correcting her as Leah just agreed and went to bed, "Are you okay, Leah?" Rose followed up.

"I'm just tired. Tomorrow I'll be all rested. No biggie." Leah said as she finally rolled over and began to sleep.


3 weeks later. The core 5 along with Leah, Rose, and Mckayla actually become closer friends. They spend all night together doing weird tricks and spells, whilst eating snacks totally forgetting that they were in university and that they had classes the next day. Leah learns a ton of information about the magic world, and about her family line.

"You're kidding? The De Martelle's are seriously the only bloodline that accesses magic from a raw source?" Leah asks.

"Yup, only some witches can tap into that raw power but it drains them and they can't stay in that state for long. When you're a De Martelle you're always in that state."Miranda said as she placed the candles around the room with everyone sitting cross-legged on the floor.

"So what's your great trick?" Kyle asked as he sat down next to his brother, Jack.

"So basically I had this dream and in it, I kept repeating this one phrase. Just wanted to try it out." Leah said.

"Sounds dangerous," Rose said as Mckayla and Lily agreed.

"Sounds fun," Jack said as he lit the candles. "Incensio"

"Lift up your hands and repeat after me," Leah said as she began the spell.

"De Grando, Immobulos Insodus Pupol," She said but then everything after that was a blur. Everything just went black and suddenly she couldn't hear anymore or see anymore.

It felt as if she had been gone for years. She couldn't even hear herself think even in silence. Until her eyes finally opened in the Core 5 bedroom.


"Is she awake!?" Miranda ran straight to her as Lily, Kyle, and Jack stood around her.

"I'm fine, just a headache." She said as she got up from her bed to see Rose run up to her.

"Emily, you're okay!" Rose said as she ran to her best friend.

"I'm fine, Rose," Emily said as she hugged back.

Leah had somehow gone into another universe where she was in Emily's body and had no idea. Not only that, but she had also traveled 6 months back in time. Before Leah had even joined the school. She was in a completely different universe stuck in someone else's body and had no clue about it. To make matters worse, in this universe magic didn't exist.


Professor Kaine walked up and down the lecture hall as he was picking on certain classmates to answer the question as Leah, in Emily's body, had prayed it wouldn't be her.

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