Book 1 - Chapter 4

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"Rose, focus!" Emily said, becoming a traitor to the core 5. "You're a magic repellent, if you focus no one in this room will be able to use magic and you can go unharmed." 

"You fool!" Esmerelda shouted at pathetic Emily and repeated the same spell used for Mckayla to send her to sleep, but Emily being a powerful witch managed to deflect it.

"I'm no traitor, I'm just trying to avoid bloodshed" Emily defended,

Rose began concentrating, she knew that her friend's lives were at stake, therefore causing her to be determined, and sooner rather than later she managed to nullify any magic in that room.

"Dijienta," Esmerelda said but it was too late. All magic had been nullified,

There were mounted candle holders placed everywhere on the walls to keep it lit, but Leah decided to try something.

"Descencio" She whispered, and the lights were out. 

Even though there was a magic repellent standing right next to Leah, her power and her magic came from a much rawer source, allowing her to tap into it which explains why she wasn't affected during the memory wipe.

"Impossible," Esmerelda said, "She's way too advanced, I should have killed you when you were only a fragile child," 

"INCENSIO!" Leah called out, lighting the candles once again to see Esmerelda and to rid her of this earth.

"She's gone..." Emily called out as she went to stand with Rose.

"You all knew that she killed my mother and you still followed this vile woman!" Leah lectured the rest of the society before raising her hand toward them

"She practically raised us to believe that the De Martelle's were powerful and evil" Miranda spoke.

"Imperitus--" Leah was about to begin a curse to cast upon them all when she was interrupted.

"Leah no," Mckayla said as she got up from the floor with a banging headache. "Don't be as bad as them... let's go" She said before turning to face the door.

"What was that spell again...?" Leah turned to face a bunch of blank faces before someone finally said...

"Musto," Miranda said, swinging the doors open and letting them out.


A few days pass and Mckayla, Rose and Leah spend the day in their room practicing their magic whilst Mckayla accepts that she's ordinary. Rose learns how to control her magic repellent abilities as Leah attempts magic.

"It's like I can only do magic when I'm angry or in danger," Leah said as she tried to focus on the candle.

"Just look at the candle, Imagine it setting aflame, Imagine the color of the flame, how it grows and shines and dims, how it dances around before the wax finally melts and drips down the sides" Rose tried to help

"Damn girl, poet much" Leah joked.

"Incensio," She tried again but nothing. "Ugh!" 

"It's okay, when it's time, it will come to you, You're in no rush to learn magic" Mckayla tried to reassure her.

"But I am. As soon as I learn magic I'm gonna make Esmerelda wish she did kill me when I was a child" Leah said.

"That whole thing is so crazy, I'm sorry she took your mother from you," Rose comforted her as they all got into a group hug.

"Mckayla, what are you gonna do with Jack? And Rose, what are you gonna do with Emily?" Inquired Leah, as she was curious whether a cult was a deal-breaker for them.

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