Chapter X: Coexistence

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Isaac was in his office looking out onto the city again, but this time it wasn't raining. It was sunny, an uncommon occurrence. He was expecting someone to arrive, meanwhile pondering about how different the city was when it basked in the light. Someone promptly entered the office, it was Ellen.

"Isaac, it's complete. The device is prepared."

Isaac adjusted his tie.

"How long will it take to scan the whole country?"

"A month at most. We've acquired a satellite which will significantly quicken the process, and we've got free way of doing anything we need. It's only a matter of time until we find it."

"If there's anything to be found..."

Isaac sighed.

"But I digress. Have them attach the device and start the process at once. If we don't find it in Japan, we will search the whole world if we must. Everyone is jumping on our inventions, even if they don't want to."

"I'll make sure it's done."

Ellen was about to leave, but Isaac gestured for her to stop.

"One more thing, Ellen. Tell Elliot and Karen to come to my office when you come across them."

"Sure thing. I bet they have some time to spare anyway, hehe..."

Ellen then left Isaac's office, leaving him to his own presence again.

"It's only a matter of time now, Spirit. I won't let you escape once more, no matter what I must do. If you don't come willingly, I'll just have to get rid of you. A shame would it be, but with the Spirit Formula... Eventually, I could get another one of you."

He looked up towards the Sun.

"You don't belong here, Spirits... this is our world."


Half an hour passed since Ellen left, and someone knocked on Isaac's office.

"Come in," said Isaac.

The door opened, and Elliot and Karen walked in.

"Hey, Elliot. Hey, Karen. It's nice to see you."

"Hey, Isaac," responded Elliot.

"Hi," responded Karen.

"You wanted to see us?" asked Elliot.

"Yes. I want to share the latest development with you about the hunt for the Spirit. If all goes well, we should locate it within a month."

"That's quick. But why are you telling us this?"

"Because I will require your aid when I corner it. I don't intend on asking a bunch of humans for help, that would reveal our secrets. That's why I need you to come with me. Can I count on you two?"

Elliot was unsure, but Karen didn't seem interested at all.

"I'm not going to prey on a young girl. And besides, didn't you say she was most likely behind the spacequakes? Because even if she is, they stopped already," said Karen boldly, a rare move from her.

"We don't even know what she is, and who knows if she resumes her rampage, or even multiplies it? It's better for everyone if she's kept in check."

"What do you plan to do after? You saw what she can do, won't she just escape?" asked Elliot.

"If we catch her off guard, we should have plenty of time to prevent her from escaping. So how about it, friends?"

"I don't think I'd be of much help," said Karen. Isaac didn't seem to mind her negative response.
"Very well. And you, Elliot?"

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