Wrath of Bang

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"FIND JK NOW !!!! " Bang shouted down the phone before turning to everyone in the room. Everyone held their breath , Rm's head was pounding despite the pain medicine in his system ,
He looked at Suga , whos face seemed to showed dissapointment ..He ..RM .. was supposed to be their leader and so far today he'd lost two members, he wanted to hang his head in shame ,but knew he couldn't. Instead he picked up his pen and paper and scribbled as fast as he could issuing order's to the members...

He instructed Jin , who was the best at computers in this room to analyse JKs video and see if they could find any clues as to his whereabouts, he put J-Hope and Jimin on weverse to search Army Intel and he asked Suga to go back up and check JKs room to see if he'd missed something. Then he sat heavily into one of the nearby chairs and put his hand up to his pounding head.

Everyone set about their tasks and RM waited for Bang to say anything else.

He knew he'd heard that one little word JK had said that had blown all their hard work out the window..'my' ! In his despair JK had said find 'my ' Tae , there's no way Bang and Army wouldn't have picked up on it.

He cast a little look at Bang expecting the shouting to continue but seeing as almost five minutes had passed and nothing had been said RM could only assume one of two things , either Bang was going to wait until Tae was found and question them all or ..RMs blood ran cold at the thought, or...he believed Tae already dead so there was no need to bring it up .

Jin looked up and broke the silence saying " the Internet is blowing up, people have apparently seen him from here to Russia.! What was JK thinking , how are we supposed to know what tips are real or not." He looked around and caught Bangs eyes ..he lowered his but saw Bang pick up the phone.

They all listened in and heard he was getting reinforcements for the online comment search.

Then Suga came back in the room shaking his head, he'd obviously found nothing to say where JK had gone.

Bang sort of growled and sighed but other than that he didn't didn't say anything, RM wondered if the others had picked up on the ' my ' word and he looked at Suga intently trying to read his mind.

It worked Suga mouthed the word 'My'? Back at Rm and gave an inperceptable shake of his head and rolled his eyes.

RM snuck a look at Bang who was facing away from him and quickly wrote twitter? on his paper and showed it to Suga . Suga pulled his phone out .

RM watched Sugas face full of concentration and then saw a different emotion, he flapped his hand to try and get his attention quietly but Bang saw.

"What !" He demanded looking at Suga then RM..Jin ,J-Hope and Jimin looked up having been made jump at Bangs out burst.

Suga looked like he would rather be any where but there but Bang was boss so using two hands handed the phone over to Bang with apologetic eyes to RM.

Bang searched the phone for what seemed like forever but In reality was maybe less than a minute.

He face became thunderous as he looked up at RM

" I was going to wait until we got Tae back safely.." he took a calming breath , the strain was evident though in his voice.." but would some one tell me what the fuck is going on? Hash tag 'My Tae is trending!!"

RM swallowed , Suga looked scared , Jimin and J-Hope seemed to sink into their chairs and Jin kept his eyes glued to the computer screen .

Suga cleared his throat. " erm JK and Tae are ..er..a couple and well I guess in his fear he forgot to be careful with his words "

Every one turned to look at Bang , he seemed to be momentarily lost for words and as he kept his anger in his face got redder and redder.. and then ...


RM stood up and held the pad out right in front of Bangs face.." We have to find Tae first " he had written .

This seemed to take some of the wind out of Bang and he sat with a slump in the nearest chair ." For how long ?" He said eventually .

Everyone looked at RM , but seeing as he couldn't speak RM pleaded for someone to speak for him. This time Jin spoke being the eldest. " that photo...that was the first time, keeping them apart didn't work, they were going to talk to you once we got back from America, but then all this happened ."

Jim didn't feel the need to tell about the marriage, he felt disloyal enough as it was.

Bang got up and left the room , saying something about worry about it later and calming down.

Once he was gone everyone went back to their jobs, they were all too worried about Tae to worry about JK.

Occasionally Jin mentioned a promising lead and he'd email the comment to HQ but they still felt like they should be doing more.

Jimin banged the desk and swore " this is impossible, I'm going to get coffee any one else want some ?" Everyone nodded and Jimin left.

Band didn't come back for the rest of the evening, the guys did what they could but heard no more and the frustration was everywhere.

By 4am Jimin , Jin and J-Hope and fallen into a light sleep ,exactly where they'd been sat. Rm and Suga had stopped what they were doing and where having a silent conversation. This time though RM was using his phone to type messages rather than pen and paper .

" How're you feeling "suga had asked , " I'm fine, don't waste any effort worrying about me we need to get JK and Tae back home safely . This is all my fault :("
The sad emoji at the end of RMs message got to Suga and although definitely not known to be overly affectionate he put his arm over RMs shoulder.

" This was not your fault , " he said " it is the person responsible for taking Tae's fault. You were knocked out , what could you have done " RM shook his head , it didn't matter what anyone said , this shame and guilt would be his for life and that was even after they get the guys back safely , he couldn't imagine what he'd be like of some unthinkable happened to Tae.

We have to find him , he txt , the phone buzzed in his hand and he nearly dropped it when he saw the name flash up on the screen, It was Taes mother calling ..he turned the screen around so Suga could see ..suga put his hands up saying " no way " but RM pointed to his throat indicating he couldn't speak and so Suga reluctantly took the phone.

" where my boy , where's Tae " came screaming down the phone followed by sobs , it took ten minutes to explain what they knew and what they were doing .

" I'll be there in an hour " she said slamming the phone down.

Suga sighed and rang security to let them know Taes mother was coming and went back to scrolling.." hey look at this " he said excitedly to RM.

Rm took the phone and read " my nan swears he's in the basement next to her shop , and her shop is just around the corner from where the van was found, she getting a bit old and can be a bit deaf but swears on my life . Here's my number if you want more details...

Suga was already dialing by the time RM and finished reading to himself .

Taekook A Backstage Romance Book 1 In The Series Where stories live. Discover now