Chapter 6: Official Acquaintance

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Both now sitting down once again, in the short moment of silence that has taken between the both of you besides the echoing of the gushing wind occasionally banging onto the window-paned ceiling, you tried thinking of topics to strike up conversations with the man. Just then, a question of genuine curiosity popped up and so you turned to the masked man, whom silently sat starring up towards the only minimal source of light in the tunnels, and asked, "So, how did you end up here? I mean— not here, here, but up there? And why?"
The dimly lit stoic expression on the rabbit/Guy Fawks mask towards your direction alongside his quiet character had made you admit to yourself that it's beginning to discomfort you. Nonetheless, you pushed through your uncomfortableness and only kept your slight smile hoping for his response.
Of course, your faith began dying down the more seconds that pass.
"What's wrong? Are you really not able to speak?"
This turned the mask towards the opposite direction, to your relief as you weren't certain on how long you'll manage to keep up staring at it while it hid unpredictable emotions behind. On the other hand, the lack of response made you feel yourself a fool.
Faking a cough, you started talking again, "T-That's fine. Guess we can only wait until this snowstorm dies down."
You noticed upon your statement, only a nod was managed by the silent man, remaining his gaze away from you. Despite his minimal gesture of communication, you did slightly smile at this and decided to scoot more closer against the wall for your back to rest on.
Looking at your coat draped across the man's shoulders, you've only realized just now about how his body doesn't seem to be shivering, considering how cold it is to you and if it's enough to make you tremble, you wondered how he wasn't when his clothes were soaked by the remaining melted snow.
You shifted your body to be as small as possible to trap your body heat. Doing so caught slight attention to the questionable man, making him curious as to what you were up to. He turned his head and realized how cold you were. Due to your head turned to your right towards the deeper and darker tunnels while zoning out, you flinched feeling a cloth draped on your shoulders. You immediately tensed up, now looking up at the unusual individual but instantly knew he had taken off your coat and returned your gesture.
While draping your coat on you, your hands automatically clung on the opening hems a bit surprised.
"Ah, thank you," you aimlessly said.
He did his usual nod in response and sat back down.
Your eyes glued onto the ground beneath until realization set in.
"Wait, your clothing is soaked! You need this a lot more than I do," you insisted and beginning to take the coat off.
Your insistence last time had made it full circle when the man shook his head, putting a hand up, signaling you that he didn't need it. He then pointed his index finger you, referring to your visible shivering form though you weren't able to catch that and only took it as him insisting out of kindness.
However, you didn't push it either way. You did feel extremely cold and saw how the man in front of you not even shaking in the slightest. So you thanked him and slip your arms in the sleeves.
Silence managed between the both of you again, only then it lasted longer. Minutes gone by—perhaps 15 minutes and the snow squall still hadn't died down yet. Again, you brought up another topic, now regarding name exchanging.
"Hey uh, I never got to ask, but what's your name? Mine is (Y/N)."
The mask the man have on was turned away to now facing directly at you. It still left you goose-bumped every time. For him, he felt annoyed at this point. Not that he hadn't until now. You always bringing up something to talk about even if he never had spoken even a word to you. He wondered what would even be the point of trying?
Just when he thought you're going to give up talking this time, you asked if there was anything he could write or type on. He does have a phone but sees no point on giving in unless important. And this held no speck of significance.
You're beginning to feel drained by being the one always attempting at conversing with the man so you stayed silent for the rest of the time when he didn't respond to your question again. Looking up at the window ceiling, you were surprised to see the gushing of wind had significantly died down while the sun is seen illuminating more brightly through the thin clouds.
"Hey, the storm is gone!" you exclaimed rather excitedly. Standing up, you noticed the man stood up as well after. You were, however, determined warming him and you up further and had a plan buying hot chocolate for the both of you, forgetting about his cold attitude minutes ago.
"Ah, sir?"
You calling out to him before he walk up the stairs and pass through the metal door had increased his annoyance wondering what do you want now until viewing your bright and hopeful expression. Eyes that lit up more than before mostly due to the sunlight shining down through the ceiling.
"I was hoping that you'd be willing to come with me for some hot chocolate to warm us both up. If not, I understand."
The offer seems nice to the man, rising some feelings of guilt for acting the way he did. Reluctantly, he nodded which made you smile wider at the acceptance and began walking up the steps. Once the both of you is out while looking about the snowy environment, you halt your steps halfway when not hearing the other set of steps behind. You turned around, noticing the masked man remained in the same place.
"What's wrong? You don't want to go?" you asked after walking closer so you don't yell and get caught in the security footages.
The man shook his head and gestured with his thumb that he'll stay.
"But you do want hot chocolate, yes?"
The man nodded regardless, putting back the smile on your face. You nodded and said, "Okay, I understand. I'll be right back."

. . .

Exiting out the yard the same way you sneaked from, you came back holding two coffee cups in each hand. Steam came out from the lid openings and became one with the air behind your steps while heading back. Carefully walking down the stairs, you were relieved reaching the very bottom and seeing the seated waiting man. You sat down and handed him one of the cups, him nodding in gratitude, before taking a careful sip as to not burn your lips and tongue off.
The man looked down at the cup in his hands, wondering why you'd go through all this hassle at all. He slightly lifted his mask and took a normal sip and at that moment you looked at him. Your surprise reaction was expected, but not for the reason he thinks.
"Woah, how did it not burn your mouth?" you asked amazed. "For me, even taking the smallest sip would've hurt," you added half-jokingly.
He expected a question regarding the mask though he didn't think anything small such as that could surprise one and yet you are the first known by him to be so.
He shrugged with a little more emotion behind it, feeling the need to respond this time.
"You probably drink tons of scorching hot beverages that you got used to it," you said presumably, taking another small sip of your chocolate.
The man's nod indicated your presumption was correct.
The both of you enjoyed your hot chocolates in silence afterwards. Sounds of slurping occasionally is heard and echoed the tunnel walls which bothered the man but had to tolerate the noises according to your kindness to be the thing blocking his urge to simply walk out.
"Sorry that I'm making loud noises," you suddenly apologize, as if you're reading his mind filled with thoughts shutting you up.
His gaze, pointed at the opposite direction from you a second ago, now faced yours holding an apologetic smile. He nodded, something that you are now used to and expected, and sipped his chocolate. After a few moments, the mysterious man thought you wouldn't ask the common question until:
"So. . why do you wear that mask anyway?"
You knew he wouldn't talk. Either he refuses or can't, a shot was worth it to you at least. He didn't move for a moment until he unexpectedly reached into his suit and took out a phone. Your expression held dumbfounded as you watched his hands fidget with the screen which took him to a notes app.
"Ah, so you do have a phone," you obviously pointed out in recalling that time you asked if he does without any teasing intent. However, it only made the man's tolerance for you wear a little thin as he proceeds typing his response to your question before displaying the screen in front of you.
Your voice echoed through the tunnels as you read, "Any of your questions about me pass classified boundaries. I apologize."
Humming in ponder state, you smiled nodding showing your understanding despite disappointed. "I see. That's okay."
The man reeled his phone back to himself and deleted the message, now replacing it with another and short sentence:
"You may only know me as Frank."
You smiled finally getting to know the name of the man before you and had your hand out for him to shake.
"It's a pleasure meeting you, Frank," you said gleefully. When Frank stared at your hand as if confused on the next thing he should do, you immediately concluded his lack of fondness for physical contact. Instead, you balled your hand into a fist for him to bump his knuckles against yours. Frank felt surprise by your way of including him in sealing a bond without too much contact. He proceeded casually fist bumping you.

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