Chapter 3: Suspension

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    Morning came as typically but not in the way that you expected to wake up fresh. Your eyes didn't feel as heavy as usual indicating you've had a surprisingly better rest after a long time.
   Though as there is nothing to complain about, you went on with your usual morning routine to arriving at work. But upon arrival, you spotted Ted, as you've known him to being your friend but also a security guard for the subway train yard you trespassed in with the Subway Surfers last night, talking with Mully. And being the only one arriving in the empty diner besides the two turned their heads by the bell that rang above. Their expressions gave off unpleasantness; one agitated and the other disappointed. None of them said a word but only spoke to bid their farewells before Ted walked passed you with a simple, "good morning."
    Now it was just you and Mully. A little worried, you slowly walked towards the counter.
    "What was that about?" you questioned in a sense of concern. Knowing Ted, he would never come to visit unless for a cup of coffee or for a much more serious matter. And there was sort of a suspicion this serious matter linked to last night. And to your horror, you knew it was exactly that.
    "I'm certain you are familiar with Ted, yes?" Mully asked.
    You nodded.
    "Well, as you could tell," Mully began, "your friend didn't look pleased. Surely you know what I'm referring to when I say he's not pleased with a certain situation involving yourself?"
    It felt as if you were a child again. Their head shamefully down in front of their scolding parents from their wrongdoings. You never wanted to disappoint Mully but today must be the day. Your eyes looked away from his' but proceeded to nod in guilt. He hummed in understanding and sighed.
    "Unfortunately, to ensure this will not repeat itself, I'm afraid I need to put you in suspension for a couple of days." Immediately, your head jolted up in panic.
    "W-Wait. . but. . that was the only time I trespassed!"
    "Then what was so important that you'd trespass if you've never done it before?" asked your employer, leaning his body on his arms resting on the edge of the counter as he patiently waited for your answer.
    "I. . ." you said. Silence followed after because a logical conclusion to Mully's driven question was that he most likely already knew about everything Ted told him and is only to be assured you were telling the truth.
    Defeated, you flopped your head down in shame scratching the back of your head.
    "Presumably, Yutani told you where she'll be at with the group, right?"
    Mully thought for a second before nodding. "She did," he said and proceeded to wait for what you have to say next.
    "That wasn't where we were. At first, I thought that's where they'll show me this "hoverboard." But when I came, they said they left it at the Subway yard."

    After a moment, you connected eye contact with your employer to see his reaction. But his eyes spoke taking the group at fault and before he could speak out, you added in defeat, "B-But please don't blame them. I'm the adult. I should've known better. I'll put up with how many days you'll suspend me for."
    Mully pondered. "For how many days of suspension you'll be for?" he asked. "Let's say about two weeks or so, hm?"
    You sulked but nodded.
    "I know this is rough, (Y/N), but you have to understand this is a warning to you. I trusted you be the responsible adult I view you as and you broke a little of my trust. I'm sorry," he said.
    "You are allowed to leave now. I'll see you again in three weeks. Good luck to you."
    And by that, you responded with a "thank you" and a half-heartedly smile, but the disappointment and shame was clearly read in your expression. You knew you had the responsibility, but you couldn't help but beat yourself up for being a push over only for them to not be disappointed in you. So much for maintaining the sibling image.
    The bell rang behind you when walking out the door before there you stood above the stairs. Blank is all your mind had.

    Arriving to your door, you turned the key and unlocked it before heading inside. After everything was put in their places and you changed into something more comfortable, the first thing you did was retrieve an instant ramen cup and a fork. After pouring boiling hot water, you closed the lid and patiently waited for the noodles to marinate. The only sounds heard in your apartment was the ticking sound of the wall clocks and mumbled sounds of cars driving by through the walls. Watching the T.V was an option but you didn't have the right mood to turn it on and watch anything so you only sat on your chair tapping a finger away on the table while thinking about what Mully said.
    Two weeks doesn't seem so bad, you thought. At least you weren't canned for it or else that'll be much more problematic. You took a deep breath and sighed. You wouldn't know what to do if you were fired. So this punishment is mercy. At least to you even if your boss is the most kind-hearted person you've seen besides your father.

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