First Day

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I love this picture. Just look at him!

Natalia's POV

I wake up to my pop clocky 'boinging'. First day of school.

I put on a long-sleeve purple shirt. It says 'If I was meant to be controlled, I would have come with a remote.' I put on a dark pair of jeans.

I go into the bathroom and brush my hair. I use my hair tie and put it up in a quick high pony. I put deodorant on.

I run by Thomas' room. "Wake up! You gotta take me to school!" I slide down the banister.

I go through the fridge and grab an apple. I bite into it and put on my Spider Man high tops.

"Are always like this? It's six thirty in the bloody morning."

"First day of school. In London."

"Good point."

I chow down my apple and run upstairs to brush my teeth. I grab my backpack and my phone. I slide down the banister again.


"You got ready in ten minutes?"

"Yeah, I don't wear makeup or take time to 'style' my hair."

"Huh, well let me get dressed, we have an hour." While he gets dressed I put a couple snacks in my backpack.

What? I like food.

I hop onto the couch (like a boss) and switch on the T.V. I guess I'm feeling more at home here. Might have to do with the fact Thomas isn't that much older than me.

"So, what should we do while we wait? Oh, never mind. Natalia, would you like to get there a little bit early so you can find your first class?"

"Sure, whatever. Hey, are we going dress shopping today?"

"Yes, and you're going to like it." he sits next to me.

"Whatever fluffs your tutu. Oh! I gotta grab something!" I rush upstairs and grab my schedule out of my carry-on.

Once again I slide down the banister.

"I'm going to laugh if you fall! Then I'll make sure you're okay. But only after you fall."

"Yeah, okay. What time is it?"


"Can we go at 7:20?"


We just watch T.V. with Thomas a little too close. Not too-too close though.

"Let's go!"


Thomas' POV

We get in the car and I drive her to school. "Pick me up at three please."

"Okay." I leave the school and pull to the side of the road. I call Dylan. (O'Brien)

"Hey! Long time no see."

"I can't see you, Dylan."

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, whatcha need?"

"I'm gonna be interviewed by NBC and-"

"Yeah I know."

"Let me finish, I'm gonna surprise Natalia, the girl that's staying with me. I want you to watch, okay?"


Natalia's POV

Thomas drops me off and I look for my first class. Room 17, Mr. Robinson's home room. I sit down. There's only three other people. Mr. Robinson, a boy, and a girl who's reading. I go up to the girl.


She looks up from her book. "Oh, hi. Are you new?"


"I'm Lillian." She sticks her hand out.

"Natalia." I take her hand and shake it. "Who's that?" I stick out my thumb pointing to the boy.

"Him? That's Conan."

"Oh. What're you reading?"

"This thing? I'm just re-reading it. It's called The Land of Stories, it's a-"

"Great book."

"You've read it?"


"You wanna sit next to me?"

"Sure. This kinda feels like one of those cliché, 'start of a beautiful friendship' moment."

"Could be." We laugh. A bell rings and the rest of the class floods in.

The last people to walk in. A group of girls I already hate. They looked prissy, had way to much makeup on, and their skirts and dresses were too short.

They even did that stupid walk where you purposely sway your hips side-to-side.

"Take a seat." Everyone sits and he takes roll. He doesn't say my name. "Class, we have a special guest. Natalia, would you please come up and explain?"

Well $#!+.

"Hi, I'm Natalia Renback. If it's hard to say you have my permission to call me Nat. Um, I came to London as a foreign exchange student. I'm from America. That's about it. Any questions?" Short and sweet.

The leader of those prisses from earlier raises her hand, Venus, I think.

"Yes?" This can't be good.

"How tall are you?"

"Six foot four inches." They look at me funny. Right. Metric system. "A little over two meters. Anything else?" No hands, thank God.

"You may take your seat, Miss Renback." I walk back to my seat next to Lillian.

"Good job." She reassures me.

"Yes, and I'm going to marry Tobias Eaton." She gave me that look when a fangirl meets a fellow fangirl. "We can fangirl later."

We both smile.

Maybe this is the start of a beautiful friendship.

I chuckle and roll my eyes at myself.

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