At Thomas'

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Natalia's POV

Shirt, hanger. Shirt, hanger. Fold the pants, in the drawer. I keep on doing this until all my clothes are put away. Then I change into pajamas.

A pair of clean sweatpants and a T-shirt that says 'We do not speak of page 250'. It has a picture of Thomas on it... This is gonna be weird.

"Thomas!" I hear footsteps.

He pokes his head in the door. "Yes?"

"Can we watch a movie or something?"

"Oh, sure. Love your shirt by the way." He winks. I stick my tongue out. "C'mon."

I follow him out the door into the hallway. We go down the stairs to a large room with a T.V.

"Any requests?"

"Hmm... How about Aladin?"

"The Disney movie?"


"Okay." He goes over to a shelf of DVD's. He takes out the right case and pops the DVD into a Blu-Ray player. I sit on the couch and he sits next to me.

Kinda close.

I blush and look down. He blushes but watches the movie.

As the movie goes on, we both get more and more tired. At one point, Thomas yawns and stretches. Putting his arm around my shoulders. I laugh and scoot a little closer to him. Not much though.

This is nice. Slightly awkward, but nice. I mean, he's Thomas Brodie freaking Sangster. I yawn and my eyes droop.

"C'mon, let's get to bed." He gets up and takes my hand... Takes my hand?! Me likey. He leads me to my room where I fall on my bed. He tucks me in, tucks me in?!

Oh well, who cares? He's famous, and cute, and British, and has an accent.

This is going to be an awesome year.

I wake up to the smell of bacon and pancakes. Yes, yum, hallelujah! Food.

I go down the stairs and sit at the small table in the kitchen.

"Good morning Natalia."

"Mornin'. Smells good. Is it almost ready?"

"Just about."



"Why aren't you wearing a shirt?"

He blushes fire truck red. "Oh, I'm, um, used to being alone, and..."

I laugh. "It's fine. Just put one on when breakfast is done cooking."

"Okay." He smirks through his blush. "Admit it."


"You like it."

"I will smack you!"

He sticks his tongue out at me.

"Are the pancakes ready?"

"Yes." He puts the pancakes on two plates and divides the bacon. He hands me my food then goes to put a shirt on.

Thomas' POV

I have no doubt she will slap me. So after I give Natalia her food I go up the stairs two at a time to put a shirt on.

I get to my room and get a T-shirt. I quickly put it on and go back to the kitchen. Natalia is already almost done.

"Your shirt is on backwards Thomas."

"Oh." I stick my arms in my shirt and turn it around. "Better." I sit down and dig in.

After breakfast I put our dishes away.

"So, what're we gonna do today?"

I shoot her a glare. That's a line from Phineas and Ferb.

"I don't know. I could give you a tour of London!"


I go upstairs to get dressed and so does Natalia. I put on a pair of gray jeans and a button-up short sleeve. It's nice but not too fancy.

I go downstairs and Natalia is already ready. She's wearing a dark blue 3\4 sleeve, blue jeans, and a pair of Spider Man Converse. I grab my jacket and shrug it on.


"Yup." I open the door for Natalia. I unlock the car and lock up my house. We get in and I start the car.

"What do you want to see?"

"Big Ben!"

"Great, I've been wanting to go there." I put the address in my GPS. "Let's go!"

We laugh and pull out of the driveway.

"Can we listen to music?"

"Sure, want to plug your phone in?"

"And listen to my music?"


"Okay." I watch as she fiddles with her phone and the wires. "Eyes on the road."

I blush and look at the road. We drive with the music playing. But with an awkward silence otherwise.

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