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WE HAD A NERF WAR | olivia aoki

529k views • 1h ago



"hello, everyone! i'm olivia aoki and welcome back to my youtube channel!" liv smiled up at the camera as she held it above her head. she had miguel and nayah to her left, mason to her right and brady was slightly behind them. "we're at target right now to get nerf guns because we're bored and want to have a nerf gun fight," she held a thumbs-up.

"i'm here with pretty nayah!" she held the camera up close to nayah's face and she smiled, closing her eyes. "mase," she pointed the camera towards mason and he held up the four's. liv sucked in a sharp breath, gave him a side-eye then rolled her eyes harshly. "and brady!" she showed brady in the back and he waved.

"what about me?" miguel asked. liv turned towards him and looked him up and down. "what about you? bitch ass..." she sighed, ignoring his hard gaze and fixing her hair in the camera.



brady was holding the tripod, pointing it to the four teens. "no, miguel, you can't open this while we're in the store," liv tried to grab the nerf gun box from him but he pulled away with all of his strength. "i'm doing it anyways," he muttered, beginning to tear back the box.

"you fucking dumbass— you're literally gonna get us kicked out," liv balled up her fists, bringing one of her hands to her mouth. "bro, it's fine. chill, liv," he shrugged, taking the gun out of the plastic and beginning to put the little bullets inside of the gun.

he held up the gun and snickered, shooting liv straight in the forehead before she could even process what was happening. her hands shot up and her mouth hang open as the scene turned black and white, a gta 'WASTED' appearing on the screen.

the video went back to normal as liv gasped, narrowing her eyes. she bent down, picking up the nerf gun bullet and slowly coming back up. miguel was laughing hysterically and he turned his back to liv for one second giving her the perfect opportunity. she ran up to him, jumping onto his back and grabbing his hair out of the bun he had it in while she screamed swear words.

"YO, WHAT THE FUCK? THIS GIRL IS FUCKING CRAZY. GET HER OFF OF ME," he yelled, collapsing to the ground. mason ran up to the both of them, trying to pry liv off of miguel but she threw a hard punch at mason to which he luckily dodged. "jesus christ, brady, help me," he looked up at brady who was laughing behind the camera. "nah, she's all yours, man. i'm not trying to get punched by liv," he chuckled as he continued recording.

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