12. ❝ chaos ❞ ✰

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olivia aoki posted a new video !


I MET THE CAST OF THE BLACK PHONE (it was not very eventful and i regret my entire choice of even auditioning to be a part of this movie) | olivia aoki

900k views • 1h ago



"hello, everyone. i'm olivia aoki and welcome back to my youtube channel," liv greeted her subscribers the way she always did, with a enthusiastic wave and a warm smile. "this morning, i am getting ready to meet a friend in person for the first time and then i'm going to meet my other friends tonight because we all are somehow flying in on the same day. so funny, right?"

"i don't know why, but i'm very nervous to meet him. i wasn't nervous at all to meet zendaya or, like, jacob elordi so i'm not sure what's so... different this time," liv bit her lip before applying mascara slowly to her lashes. "okay, well, i look like a walking corpse but whatever. the next clip of this video, i'm going to be with him because of editing. that's fucking scary. anyways—"


"look who i'm with, guysssssss," olivia whispered into her camera. she had it in a downwards angle so both her and mason were hanging over it, smiling like idiots. "the rumors are true, it's me, the amazing and good-looking mason thames," he nodded. liv gave him a side-eye to which the scene froze and a text appeared saying 'be fucking fr 😐'.


the two teenagers were now on the plane and mason was holding the camera so it was recording liv. she was curled up in her seat with a book open, resting her head on her chin. "liv," mason whispered. she turned her head slowly and then moved her eyes, smiling when she saw mason recording. "what are you reading?" he asked her. "the summer i turned pretty," she held the book up. "we're still watching that as soon as we get to my house, you know that, right?" she laughed. "greattttt," mason sarcastically said, turning the camera back to him and pressing his lips into a thin line.


olivia was running — no, full on sprinting — so quickly towards maddy and becca that mason could barely keep up. they were in the parking lot of the north carolina airport where maddy and becca were waiting for an uber to pick them up but liv and mason caught them just in time. "OH MY GOD, IT'S LIV," becca's voice was heard over the wind whipping because of how mason was running with the camera.

mason held the camera up just in time to catch liv tossing herself into maddy and becca, all three of the girls giggling as becca almost fell over. the scene cut to liv holding the camera way above the three of them. "it's my girls!" she exclaimed, beaming happily. maddy and becca both waved to the camera, laughing.

SHOT !¡ MASON THAMESWhere stories live. Discover now