Chapter 20: The Debut

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The sun rose higher above the city skyline. It cast its regular rays into Tommy's window, but for once, no one was there to complain. He was already long gone, a mysterious backpack in hand. Summer was chilly in the morning, so he donned his usual red hoodie.

Cars buzzed past every now and again, but the streets were otherwise empty. There was no reason to be awake, not on a day like that. Rest was necessary for any who wanted to truly enjoy the afternoon's promises. Most businesses were closed, lights off and chairs up on tables. Ender-Ice was no exception.

Throughout all the rows of closed shops, Tommy knew there'd be only one open sign. The bell jingled as he entered. A pleasant voice called from behind the desk, "Welcome to the Captain's Laundromat."

Tommy paused by the door, grinning and waiting for Puffy to notice him. It didn't take her long.

"Oh my goodness," she huffed, her own bright smile growing on her face. "I didn't expect to see you today!"

"I know it's a bit early, but I didn't have work," Tommy answered bashfully. He hoped she wouldn't question why he was without his usual laundry basket. "Thought I'd stop by."

"Are you excited?" She leaned over the desk like a parent wanting to know about her kid's day. She easily reminded him of why she was one of his favorite people. "We don't get events like this very often."

"Of course," Tommy said. "I wouldn't miss it for the world."

"I'm getting some folks together to watch it at my house," Puffy replied. "If you want to join, I imagine my TV's a bit bigger than yours."

"Don't doubt the power of my uncle's income," Tommy scoffed, feigning hurt.

"Right, right," Puffy laughed. "You're a little freeloader. Forgot about that."

He crossed his arms, letting his face fall into a grumpy frown. "I am absolutely not! I have a job! Two, actually!"

"The internship doesn't count. That's still just you leaching off rich people," Puffy pointed out. She stretched lazily. "Speaking of which, I heard from Phil that you guys signed a deal with the hero agency. Good job, man. That must've been one hell of a meeting."

Tommy recalled the intense feeling of being watched from behind a mask. He left that day with infinitely more questions, and an inexplicable piece of paper in his pocket. It was a contact he added to his phone, but didn't dare to message.

"It was," he confirmed. "Glitch is a whiny little baby, though."

"I've heard that, yeah," Puffy sympathized. "He's the agency's sweetheart."

"Really?" Tommy hummed. It made sense. "He acts like it."

"I guess it's because he's a majorly impressive healer, but there's no excuse for being rude," she grumbled. Tommy smiled at how casually she could diss a public figure. There were fans that would fight her over such a statement. "I won't keep you for much longer. I'm sure Craft & Co is loading you with work despite the festivities."

Puffy would never know how true that was.

Tommy bid her adieu and stepped outside. Wilbur waited for him on the street corner. Together, they made the brief trek to Eret's clothing store. From the front, it appeared closed, but Wil led them to the back door. It was unlocked, and behind it, Eret waited with a grin.

"Big day," they said. "How's your nerves?"

"I'm trying not to think about it too much," Tommy replied. "Going through the motions kinda numbly, ya know?"

"I get that. I was the same way," Eret laughed. "You're very lucky to have the Corporation behind you. I had to plan my entire debut alone."

"Really? Did you not have a mentor," Tommy inquired. "How did you get your key?"

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