Chapter 10: Robots have great dramatic timing

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"Tommy," Tubbo called into their apartment. The blonde in question poked his head out from the kitchen. "I'm going to the garage. I'll be back before dinner."

"Wait, why? It's Sunday. You've got the day off," Tommy said. "I figure you would want some time away from that place if anything."

Tubbo shrugged, a sheepish smile on his face. He had a bag slung over his shoulder, which he adjusted to keep out of the sight of his roommate. What Tommy didn't know couldn't hurt him. He slipped out the door before he could get asked any more questions.

The brunette boy weaved through a sidewalk of people. Adrenaline built, and he moved faster with every step. To say this was his favorite day of the week would be an understatement; No job to occupy his afternoons, and no limits for what he could complete.

He swerved into an alleyway, one he was very familiar with. Tubbo ducked behind a corner, where he couldn't be seen by any prying eyes. He was quick to unload his backpack. His heavy brown jacket welcomed him as he threw it over his shoulders.

Tubbo couldn't help but muse to himself. All those days he'd spent berating Tommy for wearing his hoodie during a heat wave, and he was running around in something ten times worse. His tinted goggles were thankfully more breathable than the gas mask he'd originally considered using for his costume.

He planned his debut as Mecha for weeks, building a giant, eye-catching robot, and now he was a recognized vigilante months later. Tubbo loved the lifestyle. Patrolling made him feel free, and it gave him an excuse to use his inventions. He even found an abandoned warehouse on the east side to house his things.

His boss at the garage was supportive, but there were limits. Tubbo couldn't explode shit, or make anything bigger than the cars they worked on during their shifts. Frankly, he thought that was lame, but didn't waste his energy arguing.

It was almost painful for Tubbo to be near the vehicles all day. His gift, aptly named mechanical eyes, allowed him to map out complex designs for inventions. Tubbo could build just about anything. His motivation was the only thing that could get in his way.

Working with cars made his gift freak out. He could see engines, exhaust pipes, wires, gas tanks, everything that could be turned into one of his new projects. An itch he couldn't scratch would start in the back of his brain. He didn't talk about this itch to Tommy, but it was something he had constantly around machinery.

Hell, it was half the reason he had to store his finished products in their cabinets. If he could see it, he could improve it. Tubbo was fairly sure he'd invented the next twenty years worth of humanity's biggest developments with the blueprints in his mind.

Perhaps the only time Tubbo could put his power behind him was, ironically, on patrols.

Mecha was the best version of him. He had a true chance to show what he could do without being called psychopathic or losing friends. The media would slander him as they pleased, but it wasn't the same. He chose what they saw. He chose how his machines would work.

He'd actually gained a friend in the process.

Nearly four months ago, he found a new vigilante silently creeping around the east side after dark. It was clear he was trying not to be seen, but Tubbo had recently added a night vision upgrade to his goggles. Their initial interaction wasn't great. The other guy had run away, and they didn't bump into each other for 2 more weeks.

The next time though, Tubbo was determined to talk to him. He almost had the guy cornered when poof! He was gone!

Luckily, Tubbo wasn't one to give up, and he found the vigilante crouched behind a building a few paces away. That was how Mecha met Blink.

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