Chapter 9: A change of pace

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"Congratulations," Hannah cheered. Boomer tossed colorful scraps of paper into the air, confetti to celebrate the occasion. They were gathered around Tommy, playing some crappy pop-song off of a phone. The physical therapy studio that they'd been using for the last three weeks had balloons and streamers everywhere.

"I'm proud of you, little buddy," Boomer said, his voice significantly louder than the music. He slapped the back of Tommy's head, but they both knew the boy couldn't feel it. "Healing from a fatal bullet wound completely in three weeks! This isn't done often."

"It's because of you guys," Tommy admitted sheepishly. His smile was impossible to hide.

"I know. I'm awesome," Boomer replied. Hannah swatted him and he winced. "We're awesome, I mean."

"Thank you." Hannah grinned triumphantly.

Wilbur watched from the doorway, his chest swelling with something he could only describe as pride. Tommy healed faster than most without a doubt, but his wound hadn't been as awful as other victims of the same injury. His resistance was commendable. Beyond that, even.

Phil had watched him from the rooftops for the last while. All the times Tommy cheekily thought that he would leave his house without letting Wilbur know, Phil was present. He only ever went to the laundromat anyway. Boring child.

On the plus side, they learned that he could operate like normal in public. Tommy's arm seemed fine and he never ran into any thugs. Phil was pleased to report that the kid was doing well.

If Tommy had seen the bill that Boomer had given Wilbur before their little celebration, he would understand why Wilbur fretted over his health. As soon as Tommy could defend himself, there wouldn't be a reason for them to watch over him.

Their trio of villains kept quiet for now, but they gave the heroes some other targets to focus on in their absence. During the time they were letting Tommy think about becoming an apprentice, they'd used their influence to calm the minor villains that typically ran wild across the city.

Wilbur didn't want a repeat of the Bubblegum and Hothead incident so long as they could help it. The heroes had been reasonably confused, but the trio didn't care about how they felt. Tommy needed to be safe if he was going to be an apprentice. Wilbur didn't want another near-death incident to throw off his opinion of them.

But they'd failed. Petty criminals didn't fall under their range of influence, and Tommy was shot. Wilbur wasn't even supposed to be in the area at the time. Phil wanted him to patrol, but he figured he'd stop for froyo first. He thanked every god he could remember afterwards.

Wilbur didn't know Tommy well, at least not back then, but he still didn't want the kid to get hurt. The very idea caused him to bristle. Coming across him outside Ender-Ice, bleeding more than any kid his age should, was like Wil himself had gotten hurt.

He had never rushed as quickly across the city. Tommy was deathly pale, and Wilbur was only able to briefly stop the bleeding by tearing one of his favorite shirt's sleeves. The backseat of his car would remain stained, but he didn't care.

They were strangers at that point. No part of him should've been willing to take him to such an expensive doctor. A normal hospital would have sufficed, especially since the damage was lightened by the boy's gift.

But Boomer was the best.

Their celebration three weeks after the initial incident was proof. Wilbur sighed, and excused himself. Upstairs, a familiar villain waited for him.

"Your new sidekick is impressive," Minx said. She'd done nothing but praise Tommy since their mishap the previous week. Wilbur figured she was going soft. He wasn't complaining.

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