Scary, but not a horror one, sry :(

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I've always had one dream, to be strong. Earlier i met a man, he was outside Walmart. He came up to me with a gun and told me to give him my wallet. I gave it to him simple as that. This simply is known as weakness, because of the fact that all i had was the dream, i couldn't help myself in reality. This world it'self is a monster, we see demons in our sleep and in our dreams because they are a reality, that's why are nightmares are stored in the same place as our memories, but these demons and monsters aren't demons and monsters, they are our fears bundled up and put into a form, they are problems in the real world processed in your head and dreams, that is what we fear, the world itself.

I put this in hear because it is a scary reality, we are scared of the world around us, that is all we fear, and the only reason we fear death is because of the things we love in this world, so it the reality of fear goes all the way around.

In case your wondering, I didn't get mugged, i just put that in as an example.

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