Chapter 20

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Mikey was still standing over Kazutora's body. The Valhalla members that jumped Mikey were all unconscious.

(Y/N): Even though it was planned that's still awesome.

Mikey then got on his knees exhausted.

(Y/N): Shit...!

Valhalla: H-Hey...Mikey just knelt down. Maybe he's tired. Well, he's bleeding pretty bad. Maybe we can. Finish him off now.

Hanma and Draken were exhausted.

Hanma: Not bad, Kazutora.

Valhalla: Hey, he's really not moving. I think we have a chance.

Takemichi: Oh, shit! One of the Valhalla captains was still left!

The Captain then started running towards the tired Mikey.

(Y/N) who was still pretty exhausted started running towards Mikey to protect him.

Valhalla Captain: Lets go!

Valhalla members from all over headed towards Mikey.

(Y/N) stops as he starts fighting any Valhalla members that head towards Mikey as he couldn't chase their Captain anymore, as his stamina was depleted more.

Takemichi: Someone! Mikey is-

Mitsuya punched a guy.

Mitsuya: Move! Damn it!

The blue haired guy was getting jumped but fought back.

Smiley knees a guy as they pulled his hair.

Smiley: There's too many of you assholes!

Yuta got hit by a pipe.

Chifuyu hit and kicked multiple people.

Chifuyu: Damn it! There's no end to them!

Draken punched Hanma repeatedly.

Draken: Hanma!

He stopped as Hanma stumbled but recovered.

Draken: Are you a goddamn zombie?!

Draken punched Hanma again and again and again.

Takemichi: What should I do?

(Y/N) is seen being pulled as he kicks a guy and head butts another. He then uppercutted another, as he was then punched in the face angering him as he punches the guy straight in the face.

Takemitchi gripped his fists.

Takemitchi: I have to save him!

Takemitchi started running towards Mikey as he was majorly behind many Valhalla members.

Takemitchi: Mikey!

Takemitchi: Move!

Takemitchi was running fast but he was then punched in the face by a Valhalla member.

Valhalla: Your in the way!

Chifuyu: Takemitchy!

(Y/N): Takemichi!

Chifuyu head but one guy and punched another.

Takemitchi: Damn it!

Takemitchi started running again as he then grabbed one of the members but was then elbowed by them. He fell to the floor but was then kicked. He was then grabbed from behind.

Takemitchi: Mikey!

Valhalla: Kill 'em!

Valhalla members were getting closer and closer.

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