Chapter 6

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As we see Draken and Mikey bowing their heads still as Draken consoles Mikey.

Draken: It's not that you have to bow your head you just have to have a heart that cares.

Mikey: ...Your right. I apologize. And uh...I'm glad to have you by my side.

They rise their heads and start to leave as they then see (Y/N) with a bunch of flowers.

Draken: Huh?

Mikey: (N/N)?

Mikey and Draken start to follow (Y/N) as he heads inside a room.

Draken: What's (N/N) doing here?

Mikey: I don't know let's see.

The two peek into the room seeing (Y/N) standing next to a hospital bed which is occupied by an older lady.

The lady is hooked up to many machine from a heart monitor, a ventilator and a lot of life support machines.

Lady: My little that you...?

(Y/N): Yeah it's me.

Lady: You came to visit little old me.

(Y/N): Of course I did.

Lady: I smell the flowers put them in the vase please.

(Y/N) puts the flowers in a vase with a smile

(Y/N): Surprised you can still smell.

Lady: I may be very old but I can still smell, hear feel and...

(Y/N): You lost your sense of taste haven't you...?

Lady: Yes my little gladiator...

(Y/N): First your eyesight now your taste?

(Y/N) seems to be a bit mad.

Mikey: Is this?!

Draken: It seems like it...

Lady: Don't get so worked up (Y/N), stay calm I can't have my grandson be mad at her dear old grandma.

(Y/N) eyes seemed to start tearing up but he wipes it away as he smiles at his grandma.

Lady: C'mere let me feel your arm.

(Y/N) goes closer to his grandmother and puts her hand on his arm.

Lady: Hmm...You gotten stronger...But you need to eat more.

(Y/N): I eat enough grandma.

Lady: Heh you always had your mother's appetite.

the lady then points towards the door as Mikey and Draken hide behind it.

Lady: Do you know those boys behind the door?

(Y/N): Yeah from what I heard from them and their voices it's my friends Manjiro or what he wants to be called Mikey and Draken.

Lady: Invite them in please.

(Y/N): Mikey! Draken! come say hi to my meemaw.

Mikey and Draken then awkwardly come inside.

Kamiko: Why hello there Draken and Mikey I'm (Y/N)'s grandmother my name is Kamiko Nami a pleasure to meet you.

Mikey: Hello.

Draken: Nice to meet you to.

Kamiko stayed silent as she seems more relaxed.

Kamiko: My senses tell me that two of you is itching to fight someone.

Mikey: Wha?!

(Y/N): Me and my grandma have incredible senses but when we grow very old we start loosing them randomly.

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