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Classes have proceeded as they should go and then I hold on to the boardroom to discuss the various programs of the day and the week at the end of the day we leave the boardroom and walk towards the exit and along the way I hear all the students gossiping among them, as I pass by, talking about me and the film I have to make, together with my best friend Tenten.

"Hey, did you hear?"


"Naruto-kun will make a movie, right?"

"Yes, I heard it will be a film directed by his brother"

"I still don't know how he manages to juggle all the things he has to do every day"

"Yeah, I mean it has a lot of lectures and meetings to go to and add a movie with it."

Then Tenten tells me

"You know I agree with them, you are the student council president and the manager of the kendo club, but you are looking for even more work. You don't want to at least have a day to yourself worrying about something or the other" Tenten asks

"Well dad and almost everyone expected me to agree, so how can I say no," I sigh

"You really want to live up to everyone's expectations, don't you?" Tenten looks at me like I'm crazy

"You know I don't like to disappoint my family. I have already failed by not being the number one student and as expected Dad ignored me for a whole week, when he came back he focused only on Menma" I said as if stating a fact.

"Well, no one is on the level of Shikamaru so what do you expect"

Nara Shikamaru the best student of Konoha High School. Despite being lazy and sleeping for most of the class, he always scores the highest in every single thing. Shikamaru is one of the many scholars of this school along with Tenten. I have heard that he also works after school to help his mother raise her little sister as her father is unable to do so because he went blind when Shikamaru is in junior high something went wrong with his job and he went blind. I don't really listen to those rumors, but when our teacher asked him why he slept in class, he confirmed those rumors and ended up having a lot of fans.

"You could say the same thing to Shikamaru too, you know. He goes to work, study, take care of his little sister and now he's also become student council vice president ... so yeah I'm not the only one working too hard here" Me I said again

"I still think you two are competing over who has the hottest schedule," he said impassively

"Could you say that"

"Ne Naru?"


"What are you thinking?"


"Ohhhh I understand. Looks like little Nawu-chan has a crush" She said in a provocative voice that ended up with me with a full blown blush

"I-it's n-not like that!" I stammer

"Who has a crush on whom?" I hear someone say from afar

Please let it be someone else ... please let it be someone else

"Oh look who's here" I hear Tenten say as I slowly turn around and see ...







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