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^^ Honey the Sweet, Archbishop of Purity ^^

— Arcata, Tower of Muradin, Library of Dreams —

In one corner of an endless library, three thousand young people were wandering, following a few dozen copies of one small woman in a blue robe; she explained the library, who had built it, how they had accessed it in their dreams, and who was paying the Mana Crystal Bills, namely Anitra the Dungeon Master and Muradin, Deity of Magic. "Now, your time here is not limited, you can stay as long as you like, but you must follow the rules of the library: you must not shout or fight, you must not damage the books, and you must not disturb anyone else who is studying; if you can follow those rules, the Library of Dreams is yours to use for Study! There are also study groups forming, and each one has a Mentor to assist in any questions you might have, those are usually formed in the library's 'Practical Magic Studies', which are the large areas every few levels with no books, only desks and a few Golems to try spells out on. Any questions?"

A few dozen children had questions, but thankfully there was enough of the Blue-Robed woman's simulacra to handle them all, repeating the questions and answers to the group if she felt that the question covered something she missed. That finished, she clapped her hands and released them into the stacks, each of them being teleported to the subject they wanted to study most. A good majority of them, however, ended up in the Magical section, and they were all given a book called 'Mana Sense and Mana Arrow, the Introductory Spells of Magic'. Of course, many of them could only read basic words, and most of them couldn't read at all, so they were given a Skillbook called 'Languages and Runes', a Scribe Skillbook, and they went through several months of learning inside the Divine Realm that hosted said material before returning and getting to work on their new reading material. Satisfied, the blue-robed woman nodded, moving to catch a student who had fallen off a step-stool and handing her the book she'd been reaching for before moving on to another little fiasco, all while grinning an honest and pure smile of adoration for the little ones.

((( Divine Message (Muradin): How goes the teaching? Are the Simulacrum working properly? )))

The blue-robed woman smiled at the sudden message, sitting in her office at the top of the library with dozens of black and purple screens spread themselves before her, each showing a different person's view, each one being a Simulacrum crafted through magic unknown to her. "It's wondrous!!! A little disorienting, at first, until you put them all into the Status Screens like this, but wondrous no less!!! I can teach thousands of children, all at once!!! It's like having Skill Book Avatars in the real world!!!"

((( Divine Message (Muradin): That is the intention, yes; I'm happy it's working for you, Honey. Any children with Mage Talent yet? )))

"A few promising ones... it's only been three days for this batch, but several of them have already gained the Mana Sense Skill, and one of them has the Mana Arrow and Fire Arrow Spells already learnt, though they only have enough mana for one at a time per hour or so. I've placed them under Luxos's Direct Tutelage until their niche is discovered and a more accurate teacher could be found."

((( Divine Message (Muradin): Two Spells in Three Days? That's an unnatural brightness... good, I agree, Luxos will handle them well for now, but She is an All-Rounder, and not suited for a direct disciple... though, with this teaching style, that may not be necessary. Just make sure you keep an eye out for any more gifted ones, but don't separate them completely; keep them near each other, interacting, playing. I don't want to destroy their childhoods, after all. )))

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