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^^ Aric's Dagger ^^

— Arcata, Royal Castle, Grand Hall —

"So, to be clear, you're telling me that this Dungeon Merchant... can Enchant Items? Instantly? You saw this with your own eyes?" The Emperor stared down at a long Mithril Staff, a weapon that had been in his hands less than three days ago, and most certainly did not Glow, at that time.

The Grand Sage nodded sternly, placing a heavy book in front of his nephew as well. "And much, much more."

The Emperor barely glanced at the book, electing to continue examining the staff. "What, a skill book? That's not that-"

The Grand Sage's hand slammed the books cover with a thunderous sound, getting his nephew's attention and nearly growling his point at the much-younger man. "That, nephew, is a Skill Book for a magic that I have never seen, heard of, studied, or even conceived the existence of!!! It is proof that Lady Anitra The Dungeon Master is in command of a veritable arsenal of Magic that no country, city, or Mage in this whole world has ever so much as dreamed of, and as such has no defenses for!!!"

"Oh... good, then, we can use that-"


At the enraged shouting of a Demigod in the Emperor's chambers, the guards outside reacted and opened the doors, spears and shields raised defensively, but they were waved out by the Emperor swiftly, and so they closed the door immediately. In the silence, the Emperor took a deep breath, thinking carefully about what had been brought to his attention, then frowned. "Do you think she's a Threat?"

The elderly Sage relaxed slowly, seeing his point had begun to get across to the younger man. "I think she is a liability, if she is taken by another kingdom. I think if she were to wish it and the situation was right, she could kill me, much less anyone else in this city. I think that she is capable of perfectly controlling her emotions, and that makes her dangerous. I think that if she were to be made into the enemy of this state, we wouldn't have to worry about the shame of being called the Fallen Mageocracy, because she could burn our bodies to ash and build a new, stronger Mageocracy on top of our bones. I think... she is someone best made into an Ally. Do I think she is a threat? Of course I do!"

The Emperor covered his face slowly, sighing heavily and activating all of his various calmness and calculation Skills to cope with the shock. "So... I need to treat her like a Demigod who's chosen to settle in our City."

"That seems wise, yes. And with her creating a Guild of her own, offering her a place in yours would be more of an insult than a compliment."

The younger man sighed again, then chuckled as a thought occurred to him. "They say that the more you Sigh, the older you get... I guess I'll be older than you someday soon, if this girl keeps up with her... surprising nature."

The Sage laughed heartily, patting his nephew's armored back companionably. "Don't worry, old age isn't that bad! You just get a little more forgetful and less patient, that's all that awaits us Demigods in our old age!"

"I hope so... Scribe!" The door to the scribe's office opened, revealing the Royal Scribe instantly. "Make the Entertainment District a unique Territory and grant it to Anitra the Dungeon Master as her Territory as a Duchess. Its taxes and governance will be her concern. Send her a Scribe with the appropriate skills and lack of connections to the Nobility or Royal Family, as well as the required Military Personnel to act as her Noble House's Bannermen. No one above Tier Three, however, other than the Scribe, who should be the very best you can find. Their pay will be handled by the crown, for now. Instruct the guards of that district that they may either relocate and maintain the districts bordering it, or become an employee of the Duchess, wherein their pay and discipline will become her responsibility. One Tier Four Commander will be given to her for her Bannerman, and one Tier Four Guardsman for her Head Guard, as well. Any questions?"

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