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Maya cried as Baron and Nick were next to her comforting her.

"Its so fucking frustrating!" Maya said loud enough for everyone downstairs to hear.

"I'm doing everything I can to better myself and it just gets worse every time!" Maya said, her breath now getting unsteady and harder to take deep breaths.

"They have to comment on every single thing I do and make it like a negative thing." Maya said pulling a her hair. "I was literally doing shit all day and then we went to the fair and people posted pictures they took of me and Tommy and was like 'oh my god shes such a slut' or fucking 'shes so disgusting' and I'm like SHUT THE FUCK UP LIKE STOP!" Maya said getting louder as she couldn't control her anger.

"Everyone just picks apart every single thing I say and do and the way I look and how I fucking act with my friends. It was night! I didn't expect random people to take pictures of me!" Maya said breathing even heavier than before.

"Like its awful people treat me this way just because I have a large following like I'm still a fucking person! I have a fucking brain I have a heart and I have god damn feelings but nobody in this world cares anymore because 'oh their famous its fine they get this shit all the time' like no stop its hurtful!" Maya said having a full on panic attack.

Baron and Nick able to get Maya to calm down, thankfully.

She was still crying but definitely doing better.

"How about this Maya, you hang out for a bit, and later tonight we can do a car video. I'll ask questions on insta and we can film later tonight?" Baron asks as he knew she loved filming car videos.

Maya nodded her head with a smile.

The two left the room giving her space but not without a hug.

"Love you Maya, tell me if you need anything." Sapnap whispered.

After the two left Maya got up and went to her bathroom.

She poured micellar water on a cotton swab before taking off her mascara and then re applying it.

~Laurens Corner~
Eminem slaps ALSO MY WHOLE FAMILY HAS COVID BUT ME!! LITERALLY MY WHOLE FAMILY! (Mom, brither, grandparents, aunt and cousin)

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