Origami's Bullet

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[A/N] yeah this chapter is going to have some action. be prepared for shidou to show off a little

The sun was setting as a certain pair walked through a small park. They both seemed to be in high spirits, but the boy seemed to be somewhat distracted. Naturally, these two were Shido and Tohka, near the end of their date.

Many pairs of eyes were observing them. Ratatoskr was the obvious one, but another group of people seemed to have their eyes set on them too. Or rather, on Tohka.

Ryouko Kusakabe, captain of the AST, was highly confused. She was staring at the Spirit in the distance, wondering how she appeared in the city without them realizing. Of course, her appearance didn't have a spacequake to go with it, either. Next to her was Origami Tobiichi, who was looking at a humongous rifle, the CCC.

Created as cutting edge anti spirit equipment, the CCC was capable of dealing damage even to an spirit in their astral dress. In this case, the spirit in question had no such protection, making the spirit killing rifle that much more dangerous. Was she really about to use this brutal weapon on the innocent looking girl in front of her? 


Tohka, who was was walking in front of Shido, suddenly stopped.
"Shido... Is it all right for me to be in this world? Today, I saw so many beautiful things, things that I destroy every time I appear in this world. I see now why the AST tries to kill me all the time." She turned to him with a sad expression on her face. 
"No! Don't you dare say another word! We'll figure out something, a way for you to live in this world normally! Don't give up hope just because you figured out what was actually happening!"
Those words put a small smile on Tohka's face.


Staring at the pair in the distance, Ryouko gave the order.
'Origami, you have permission to shoot."
The white haired girl immediately took hold of the massive rifle, effortlessly manipulating it with her territory to aim at the purple haired spirit.

A loud bang resounded through the area.


Shidou realized that the time for the bullet was almost here.  He hurriedly turned to Tohka.
"Tohka, listen carefully! Don't be too mad at them, stay calm!"
Terrible explanation over. Ignoring Tohka's puzzled expression, he realized that the bullet was coming.

"Tohka, watch out!" He pushed her aside and ran straight into the path of the bullet, crossing his arms to block. Naturally, flesh and blood arms wouldn't be able to stop an anti spirit weapon.
Immediately, a thick layer of ice covered his arms. forming a strong layer of armor over his clothes.

The bullet hit.

He had made a mistake. The bullet was way more powerful than he realized. It punched a hole straight through his arms and continued on through his chest.
"Urkh..." He dropped to his knees.
"Wait, Shidou?!" 
"Don't worry, its just a scratch!"
It was not just a scratch. Even the healing flames of Camael would have a hard time restoring a ripped off arm, another with a hole through it and a massive hole through his chest.

There was only one option.


As a massive clock appeared behind him, he grabbed ahold of the outdated pistol. The pattern of a clock appeared on his eye, spinning clockwise.

"The fourth bullet, Dalet"

A shadow flew into the barrel, manifesting as a bullet. He healed the arm with Camael just enough to be able to shoot it. 


Ryouko's eyes almost bulged out of their sockets. The boy, who she had thought to be normal, had pushed Princess out of the way and taken the bullet meant for her. She shot a worried glance at Origami, since he was one of her friends. The girl in question was staring in a daze, before her eyes widened suddenly. "Captain, look!"
Ryouko immediately snapped back to the sight of the quickly dying boy, both arms and chest impaled by th- wait. That wasn't right.

A massive clock had appeared behind him, and he was holding an old-fashioned pistol to his leg.
"An angel...?" Ryouko muttered before letting out a shocked cry of surprise "Wha-"
The boy had shot the bullet. Instead of causing more injury though, the wounds he had were completely healed. Even his clothes were repaired back to normal. It was as if the shot had never happened. When he glanced upward, Ryouko could see the abnormal clock pattern in his eye rapidly fading, replaced by a look of annoyance. 

She realized now was not the time to gawk.
"Everyone, RETREAT!"


Shido looked at the distant AST members, but realized he had more pressing matters to attend to. "Tohka, I'm fine."

He turned to look at the girl who was staring at where his wounds once were with tears in her eyes. She did not move.
"Uh, Tohka? You there?"
He cautiously approached and shook her shoulders.

Slowly, she turned her head to look at him. In a complete flip from her behaviour in the last couple of moments, she burst into tears and threw her arms around him.
"There, there"
He gently patted the shaking head on his chest.
"It's all fine."
"I thought- I thought you were gone! Don't scare me like that!"

Suddenly, Shido recieved a new message from his earpiece. Naturally, it was Kotori
"Big bro, you have a lot of explaining to do when you get back, but this is a chance! Give her a kiss!"

Shidou did a double take. Did she seriously just suggest taking advantage of the crying Tohka? He was about to make an angry retort when his lips suddenly felt warm.
Tohka had kissed him on his own, despite her not being supposed to have knowledge of it.

Kissing her had sealed her power, so the school uniform woven from Reiryoku vanished as fast as it had appeared.
"Wha-?" Caught off guard by this, a red colour crept up Tohka's cheek, before she suddenly hugged him tighter.
"Dont look!"

Shidou was being crushed half to death by her incredible arm strength by now, but he still managed to bring out some feeble words. 
"How... did you know about kissing?"
Tohka replied with her gaze firmly pointing downwards. "I saw people doing it on the date, and it was on some magic screens too!"
"Magic screens?"
"She probably means billboards" The reply came from Kotori, up in the Fraxinus

"Either way, well done Shido. We'll be picking you up now. Do give me a wonderful explanation on that gun and the ice, will you?"
Shido winced

and with that, the pair was enveloped in light and appeared on the Fraxinus.


To be continued?
Honestly not sure
Maybe, maybe not?
Tell me in the comments if i should continue bc i dont really like the yoshino arc. 

anyway thats the first arc of the series done, I didn't manage to get as much action scenes as I hoped but oh well

Thank you to everyone that read so far, this did way better than i expected

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