Chapter 14 - "Damaged goods. A monster."

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Sounds of people talking and the warmth of a hand in mine are the only things I can focus on. My eyes flutter open and the bright lights flood my eyes, making them close in order to readjust to the unfamiliar surroundings. When I finally manage to reopen them I look around, all my family are here, my cousins, my brothers, even Liam and his family.

"Holy shit." My head snaps to the voice of one of my brothers.

"Karma." Joey says as though he can't believe I'm awake, though I don't know why because it can't have been any longer than a few days since the plane crash.

Everyone begins rushing towards me, bombarding me with hugs and kisses on my forehead.

"Let me through, I need to examine her." The doctor said, pushing through the crowds of people. "Everyone out." It's a good thing she works for me and the mafia, otherwise she would probably be dead by now.

They all leave with sighs and arms slung around someone's shoulder.

"Miss Valentino, you have given us quite a fright." The doctor says as she begins her exams.

"How is everyone Doc? Is everyone okay after the plane crash?" I ask frantically wanting answers about my family.

"Everyone is fine, though that was quite a long time ago." She replies leaving me confused.

"What do you mean? I can't have been out for more than a week or so." I laugh, playfully hitting her on the shoulder.

"Actually Miss Valentino... It's been 7 months since the plane crash." She answers leaving me gobsmacked.

"You... You mean?"

"Yes Miss Valentino, you've been in a coma for 6 months."

I lay my head back, looking at the ceiling as she continues her tests.

"Call me Karma." I tell her, still not looking at her properly.

"You can call me Prisha," She responds.

"Well Karma, your baby is looking very healthy considering you-"

"I'm sorry- my WHAT?" I yell, jaw-dropped.

"Karma... you're 7 months pregnant."

"What. The. Fuck."

"Would you like to know the gender?"

"No the fuck I would not, I don't want this fucking child." I exclaimed, standing from the bed, only to realise I'm attached to every machine possible.

"Who decided that I wanted this... thing." I ask, trying my absolute hardest not to yell.

"Mr De Luca did." Priya responds.

I nod and tell her to bring him in here. I go and sit back on the bed and look down at my stomach.

I can't have this baby, I've always wanted children. Not now. I can't have this child. I want it gone. I never want to hear it, or see it, I want it gone. I don't want it inside of me. I don't want it. I would never love this child. I couldn't. I have a mafia to run. I have so many things in my life that a baby would interfere with. People from outside the mafia will see it as a weakness. They'll do anything to take it from me. I won't let this child go through that. God forbid anything happened to me and Joey, I don't want this child to end up like me. Damaged goods. A monster. I can't have this baby.

Joey walks in, snapping me from my thoughts. He runs towards me, gathering me in his warm embrace and peppering kisses all over me.

"I've missed you so much." He sobs, tears streaming down his cheeks. I take his face in my hands and look up at him. "I can't have this baby." His eyes begin darting all over my face looking for something to tell him that it was just a sick joke. "Karma-" He tries pleading. "No Joey, I can't, this baby will end up like me, broken, I would never do that to a child. Let alone the risk it will be put at. If anyone finds out that we have a child, they will do everything in their power to take it away from us." I explain, by this time both our eyes are streaming as though they never plan on stopping.

"Karma, we can do it, you are not broken, perhaps you were, but we would never let what happened to you, happen to our baby, we can do it as long as we're together. We're the biggest mafia in the whole goddamn world, hell I'll hire 50 bodyguards to guard the baby's nursery. We can do this, we're a team now. Especially considering we're engaged." He laughs, wiping away my tears with the pad of his thumb. I nod. "Okay." Joey wraps his arms around me and places one hand on my stomach. "Our baby's in there, our beautiful baby- Actually, we don't know the gender, do you want to find out?" He asks, not breaking eye contact with me. "Hell yeah mi amor." I giggle. "You have no idea how long I've waited for you to say that, I'll go and get the doctor now." He stands up and gives me a quick kiss on the lips, rushing off out the door.

I'm having a baby. With Joey. And we're engaged. How did this happen?

Roughly 2 minutes after Joey giddily walks back in with Priya following close behind. "I've heard we've come round to the wonderful news and would like to know the gender." I give a frantic nod and Joey comes over to hold my handing, kissing the top of mine.

The ultrasound shows our baby, I hear its heartbeat and my heart fills with joy. "That's our baby." I say softly. Joey kisses the top of my head as we stare at the screen mesmerised with our creation.

"Well, it's safe to say that you guys are in fact having a baby-"

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