Chapter 8 - "You already have me puta"

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I go downstairs and begin searching for Aiden. After 30 minute of my precious time wasted, I find him in the playroom with Alfie and Aria. "Hey, Aiden, can you meet me in my office in an hour? I need to talk to you about something." I ask, poking my head around the door. He gives me a nod and then I head back downstairs to the kitchen.

"Hey Raven." Ace smiles as I walk in there. "Hey." I go over to the coffee machine, feeling his eyes on me as I walk. "Listen, I don't really give a fuck about the christmas decorations, however, what I do give a fuck about is my mission later tonight." I tell him, pouring coffee into a mug. He rolls his eyes and continues typing on his laptop. Ashton then walks in with two people, my two "parents". They stop talking and look at me. Fml.

I put my mug down on the counter and walk out of the kitchen. Nope. Not dealing with that. Footsteps follow me, "Kay wait-" I turn towards him. "Ashton. I swear to satan. If you ever make me talk to them. I will stab you with a rusty knife." He grimaces but then begins to talk, "Karma Paige Valentino. They are our parents, you need to hear them out." I step onto the stairs and then turn around to face him. "Ashton, you need to understand that I saw our parents die, I saw their lifeless bodies, I heard their screams. I am what I am because of their death. They're not alive until I say they're alive. End of story, I don't want to see them, and I want them out of my house." He only nods and turns back towards the kitchen, I however go to my office.

Once I'm there, I check emails and make sure the plan for my mission tonight all looks okay, which it does. A knock at my door echoes through my office. "Come in." Aiden walks in, his hands in his slacks pockets, he nods at me and then sits on one of the two armchairs that are placed in front of my desk. "What do you need to talk about Kay?" He asks, laying back in the chair, fiddling with something he picked up from off my desk. "Recruits, Aiden you need to-" I begin saying but don't get to finish before he cuts me off, "I know, I know, 'I need to recruit more', I get it, just lay off my back a little." My anger rises but I manage to keep my cool, "excuse me, but I wasn't finished, Aiden Carlos Valentino, you may be my older brother but I am your donna, you will not interrupt me, and you will respect me." He only continues fiddling with the thing in his hand and hangs his head. "Anyways, you need to background check all recruits before you decide to let them join this mafia. I gave you this job because I thought you would be suitable, but if you cannot do that, you can always help with cleanup if you'd prefer. As I was saying anyways, I have had to get rid of 15 rats in the past 3 days, this cannot be happening anymore, if I find out there is another, you will be on cleanup for the rest of your life, do you understand?" I ask. He nods. "Leave." He nods again.

I huff and then go back to checking emails until about 3 o'clock when I decide to go and grab a coffee. I try to leave my office but immediately get bombarded with people running around the house. Christmas decor. Great. I manage to wriggle my way through people that are running like mad men in and around rooms. Ace and Ophelia are barking orders, so over the top for fuck sake. I get to the kitchen and Joey is standing in there, making two cups of coffee. "Mi amor, I swear one of those must be mine or I-" I'm cut off with him placing a cup of coffee in my hand, he kisses me and then takes a sip of his own. "Did you have to get through all of that as well?" He asks, leaning against the kitchen island." I nod, laughing. He looks at me, "have you spoken to your parents?". I shake my head, taking a deep breath, "I told Ashton that 'I don't want to see them' and 'they need to get out of my house', so no. I have not spoken to them, I do not want to talk to them, they aren't my parents so let's just leave it at that." He nods in understanding. I look at him, give him a kiss and then step back, smiling like an idiot, "so." He looks at me in confusion, his head tilted. "What do you want for your birthday?" I smirk. He rolls his head back in annoyance. "Mmmmm, you?" He smiles, I roll my eyes, "you already have me puta (bitch)." He smirks a little, "no, I want you to marry me." I laugh and look away from him, playfully hitting him in the chest. "Karma, I'm being serious, Marry me." I shake my head, "I can't, not now, it's not the right timing, plus, you really wanna be with me for the rest of your life?" He gulps, his Adam's apple bobbing, "of course I do." With that, he walks out the kitchen, leaving his half drunk coffee on the side.

What the fuck just happened.

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