Chapter IX : A Cheater

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I fought them all off just to hold you close and tight.

I had thought an awful lot about wanting to kiss Violet. Whenever I was with him, would you believe, and often times when I was not.

I shocked myself in that matter. Yes, the fact that I'd failed to find a husband up until now was a tad depressing, but I'd always believed that by the time someone eventually found me suitable, I wouldn't really be relying on them. I'd still be my own woman - strong, independent, not an accessory to my husband - that he would be an accessory to me.

But I felt like Violet controlled me. Every time I saw him, I felt something flip inside my stomach - low, sick and excited. I knew that I would do anything to please him.

I counted the days until I was able to see him again. When I shut my eyelids, his dark image was ingrained on the inside. I had every inch of his face tattooed in my mind; his snowy skin, his dark, bold lips, his glowing lilac irises.

I was a girl with a crush, and it was suffocating.

It was very difficult for me to wait such a long time to see Violet again - well, if you could call two days a long wait. I sat through Sunday morning mass anxious , jiggling my leg in such irritation. My mind was elsewhere. It was in Kensington High Street, seemingly. Violet had such a lovely, warm house, nothing like the dark hole that I'd imagined he'd lived him. Although, I shouldn't have been too surprised - after all, he was a nobleman.

Trying to find a suitable dress for the occasion was hard - it was tricky to tell what sort of mood Violet was going to be in. I eventually decided on powder blue, to match the frosty aura outside. My mother had gotten new winter gear for me over the weekend - as I searched through the box, I found a soft scarf and muff, both in snowy white. At least it would match.

On the way to Violet's place of residence, however, I was beginning to feel increasingly like a polar bear. I was still fretting as I climbed out of the cab at the end of the street, my head in the clouds - so I didn't notice when I bumped into someone, and only registered this fact when I was splayed out on the concrete path below me.

"Ow -! I'm so sorry!" I began to burble, brushing my skirts down as quickly as I could and sitting up. I caught a flash of grey.

"It's not a problem, my lady, forgive me for knocking you to the ground." The man offered me his hand - he had black nails, like Violet's, but his were more like talons. As he pulled me to my feet, I saw he had curtains of heavy, dark grey hair - odd for a person of such a young age. "You're bleeding, dear."

"Am I-? Oh. So I am." I stared down at the heel of my palm, the graze I'd received oozing blood. "I hope I didn't get any on you."

"It's quite alright, I'm in my work clothes." He pushed one hand into his deep pocket, coming out with a sterile white bandage.

I blinked. "Do you just carry those things around on a regular basis?"

The man gave the most high-pitched chuckle that I'd ever heard, and took my hand in his. "I'm a mortician, ma'am. It's particular to my line of work, yes." He tweaked a small, expert bow on my wrist.

"That's lucky," I murmured, picking back up my muff. "Thank you for that. Again, I'm sorry; I wasn't looking where I was going."

"Not a problem." He used one finger to tip the brim of his hat, and began to stroll past me again, giggling softly. "Have a good day, my lady..."

Obviously deranged. I shuddered as I started to walk again, slightly fast; it was a wonder that people like that were actually allowed to work with the public.

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