the end

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Vance and Robin came up with a plan to get out of here. They told me and Bruce so we could help get everything. " so remember we are hiding the stuff in the bathroom ok" Robin told us, we nodded in unison. Vance and Robin were incharge of getting the window thing (still don't mnow what it is called twt) me and Bruce had to get the toilet lid thing, and the phone. I got the phone and brought it to the bathroom. Afew minutes later Robin and vance came in holding the window thing.

I ran over to Robin and kisses his cheek " I can't belive we might actually escape!" I said excitedly, Robin chuckled"not might, will. I Guarantee we will escape" Robin said hugging me. Now we just had to wait for the grabber to come down. While waiting we picked what we wanted to use. I was last and the only thing left was the phone. But that's OK, Robin had the window thing, Bruce had the toilet lid, and vance had his... well fists. But the phone wasn't all that bad. It was pretty big and it still had the wires attached, they were pretty long to so it's ok.

Like 1 hour later

We were still waiting when we heard the creaking noise. That's our queue. Bryce stood on one side of the door Robin stood on the other side and me and vance stood I front.

The plan was to hit him over the head. Then vance punches him in the stomach to get him on the ground then I knock him out by wrapping the phone around his neck (they apparently thinks that's how you knock somebody out) the door opened and Bruce swings. We hear a crash as the grabber slumbers in then Robin hits him over the head too. Vance punches him but misses cause the grabber is stumbling and hits him in the side knocking him sideways. The grabber falls the opposite. and he falls onto Bruce's side and grabbs Bruce's ankle bring him down. i pounces and wraped the phone around the grabbers neck. I wait for a minute and hear him gasping for air and the guys are cheering me on. " today is the day motherfucker!" Vance yells at the grabber " I'm not going to kill you hijo de puta so Finns going to do it for me!" Robin yelled too" Finns arm is mint!" Bruce yelled as the grabber 'past out'

We stared at the grabber for afew secs then vance walked up to him and touched his neck feeling for a pulse. He stepped away and looked back at us whide eyed "you killed him finney" he said in disbelief. Everyone looked at me. My eyes were watering, did I really just kill sombody? I turned to Robin and he hugged me I started to cry, i think I passed out from exhaustion because next thing I knew it I was on Robin's lap wrapped in a blanket with Gwen leaning on Robin's shoulder.

Once I saw Gwen my eyes started to water again and I pounced on her which woke her up, I didn't even know she was asleep, apparently Robin was asleep to cause he woke up and chuckled as he saw me on Gwen hugging all the air out if her.

Once she 'died' from lack of air I chuckled and got back on Robin's lap and hugged him and he hugged back. We heard 'awwws' "you must really like him finney~"behind and beside us I just snuggled my head into Robin's neck in embarrassment and he chuckled. I smiled. 'I really do love my Spanish-man~' I thought to myself

This is the end, thanks for reading everyone.

My Spanish-man [rinney (the black phone)] Where stories live. Discover now