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Jade POV
I woke up with the urge to throw up, so I booked it to the toilet. Rosalie and Emmett had gone hunting so it wasn't them that came running up the stairs. I felt a hand hold back my hair and a different one rub my back. "Let it all out" it was Esme. Once I had finished throwing up I leaned against her. "Do you want to tell me what's going on?" "Esme promise me not to tell anyone else" "of course" "I'm pregnant" "congratulations, does Emmett and Rosalie know?" I nodded against her chest, since it was 5:00am I didn't need to worry about moving any time soon. "Do you want to stay here until Rosalie and Emmett get back?" I nodded again.

After about half an hour we heard someone shout "honey?" It was Emmett, he came into the bathroom and saw me in Esme's chest. "Morning sickness?" I nodded he picked me up "thank you Esme" "it's no worries at all" she left the room. I got my clothes to get changed, I didn't care about Emmett seeing, he's seen me naked before.

I wore a baggy shirt to hide my belly that looked bloated

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I wore a baggy shirt to hide my belly that looked bloated. Only Esme and Carlisle knew I was pregnant. So I got Carlisle to write me a letter to get me out of gym. I was thankful. I knew Charlie would accept me being pregnant but I knew Isabella wouldn't.

We got in the car and Rosalie was driving. Emmett sat in the back with me, so I cuddled up to him. Once we got to the school I was extremely hungry, they both could tell. "What do you want baby? Do you want some Cheetos?" "Yes please" Rosalie handed me a bag and kissed my forehead. We waited for the rest Alice, Jasper, Edward and cough bitch cough. I leaned against Rosalie while munching on my Cheetos. The rest of them soon appeared so we stood around and talked.

Until I went running to the bathroom again to throw up. Rosalie and Alice followed me into the toilet. They both rubbed my back, Rosalie whispered into my ear "we need to tell them, they can't help otherwise." Alice jumped in "tell us what?" I nodded giving Rosalie permission "Jades pregnant" Alice screamed in joy "can I tell Jasper and Edward?" I was leaning against Rosalie. I looked at Rosalie, she nodded. "Yeah you can?" She went skipping out in joy. Rosalie helped me stand and stabilise myself. We walked out and Bella walked towards us and slapped me on the cheek. "You're a slut you know that right, I hope you and that baby die, you get everything you want." Rosalie was shaking in anger I turned her face towards me her eyes were black "hey, hey baby it's okay. Shhh shhh calm down." Jasper, Edward and Alice where holding Emmett back. Once I got Rosalie to calm down I rushed over to Emmett. I rubbed his cheek and kissed his lips, laying my head on his chest. "Boys let go off him, he won't do anything because I'm in the way." They let go off him so he wrapped his arms around me, so did Rosalie.

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