Chapter Four

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I was growing weary because I haven't hear from John in almost a week. It was making both of my jobs even harder to work. To know if he was okay or not okay was driving me crazy. I know sometimes he can be late with messaging me or asked even calling me but I really needed to know if he was okay or not. I lay there in my bed staring up at the ceiling slowly shutting my eyes until I heard A vehicle and I immediately looked outside at my window I noticed the mailman was putting a strange envelope in my mailbox.

I don't ever usually get mail hardly ever aside from it being bills so I got up and got out of bed and went out the door to check my mail. I pulled the envelope out and I had my address but it had no return address on it. As I double checked it it turned out there was a return address but it was in a language that I could not understand. I walked back into my house and sat on the couch and started opening up the envelope which contained a letter.

To my Mina:
I'm sorry to say that I misread the email for it saying I'd be gone for a month, I'm actually going to be gone a year. I'm terribly sorry that I will not be seeing you until then. They don't have Wi-Fi or phones here so we will have to write to each other the old way so I hope that it's okay. I love you so much Mina. It's destroying me from the inside that I have to wait this long, but you're worth the wait.

Tears started steaming down my face as I threw the letter onto the floor. It's as if my heart split into two because I will not be able to see him for an entire year. I believe that this is his longest time he'll be away from me and what's even worse is that he is in a different country. I cried and continue to cry it until I couldn't no more. I was so ready for him to be back in just a couple of weeks so we could do what we planned and now those plans have been pushed back by a year.

After a while I stopped crying and sobbing as my cheeks were red and my eyes were stained I went to the bathroom and grabbed a washcloth and ran it under some cold water underneath the sink and put it to my face. I honestly had no idea what I was going to do for a whole year by myself I guess I am glad I have friends like Lucy who would want to hang out most of the time to keep me company on the other hand I knew I would feel alone even though I have my Best friend.

I picked up the phone and decided to give her a call and let her know what was going on. As soon as she answered and I told her what was going on she was just as shacked as I was and told me that she would be there for me if I needed her. When I say she's my best friend she literally is my person she is like the sister that I never had growing up even though we became inseparable when we were children due to my parents dying and her parents adopting me but even still I am glad we have a relationship that we do.

She also mentioned on the phone that we needed to go out for lunch date and go shopping for dresses after all we had to dress to impress for this upcoming ball by some host coming from out of the country. We also need to decide how we wanted to decorate the ballroom since it was barely used on the exception of weddings and parties which were rarely held there. As we continue to talk on the phone we set up a lunch date for next week so we could go shopping and so that we may come up with decoration ideas for the ballroom because since it was a Halloween ball we had to make sure it was scary but yet elegant and beautiful.

I had also asked her how her and the guy that she met not too long ago how they were doing and they seem to be hitting it off pretty well they have already gone out on a couple of dates and she has already fallen for him and I reminded her to date him for a few more months because you never know who a person is until you get to know them which is definitely the sole purpose of dating in my view anyways. It took me almost a year before I finally said yes to John for him marry me because he asked me to marry him six months into the relationship and I so no simply because it was just too early and after six more months he asked again and I finally said yes.

I already know I am going to dread waiting so long just because sometimes the loneliness it can really kill you mentally sometimes but I am going to do what I have to do to keep myself busy and if we keep riding to each other it won't seem so bad the only downfall on writing letters is how long we have to wait until we receive letters from each other and then how long it takes to write them and send them out. But I love him and he is definitely worth the wait and I am looking forward to having lunch with Lucy next week when we both have off she hasn't even told me where we are going to go.

We ended our phone conversation with where we were going to go for lunch and it was a place none of us had ever been to so we were hoping it was going to be good and if it wasn't at least we tried it out. She said it was a cottage looking place that only served salads or wraps and the drinks were either water or wine. I made a joke to her saying it almost sounds like Olive Garden but without the pasta, breadsticks, and wine along with a few other things that Olive Garden has and she started laughing on the phone.

After we got done talking to each other on the phone I went back in to my room crawled into my bed and flipped on the TV as I browse to their channel is there was nothing really much on shut the TV off and went back to sleep because tonight I worked at the club and I didn't have to work at the library today so I was taken and all the extra sleep that I possibly could. As I started to fall asleep I heard a male voice say "I've found you my love" almost as if it was whispered in my ear my eyeshadow open as I looked around and nobody was there.

I even got up and looked out my window and sure enough there wasn't anyone outside I should've thought out of my head as I was probably thinking too much of John and I was thinking of him so bad that I probably imagined that I heard his voice but it didn't sound like him. I said telling myself that I just needed to go back to bed and that I was tired and that I was just hearing things I really needed to get sleep tonight but it was going to be hard knowing that I was going to be alone for an entire year.

Sorry guys, this is just a filler chapter, but the next few chapters will be more interesting hopefully (:

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