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As I wash the blood of my hands I look behind me to see what mess I've made

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As I wash the blood of my hands I look behind me to see what mess I've made. I saw red and when I see red I'm dangerous even to myself sometimes. As I put gloves on I grab the petrel I have in a can and spread it all over the house before lighting a match.

I watch it burn for a bit before I throw it onto the body's and head out as fast as I can. I put my mask back on and make a run down a dark alley before jumping over the wall. I land on my feet and take my clothes off before changing into a dress and heading into a club through the back.

I grab a tray of drinks and head to a table before handing them out. I head back behind the bar and go through the office before jumping out the window. I walk to my car unlocking it and getting in before speeding off. As I make it to the airport i get of my car and head to the plane.

"You took your time didn't you" Dad says

"I had something to take care of" I smile

We all get into the plane as the door shuts. As my parents take their seats I find my sister before sitting next to her.

"What did you do" Bella asks

"Well put it this way they wont bother you again" I smile

"How good was it" Luke asks

"Put it this way I saw red" I laugh

"You could have just left it" Bella whispers

"No I couldn't just leave it. Look no one messes with my family anymore and if they do they sigh there death wish" I say grabbing my phone

The plane started taking Of as mostly everyone fell asleep. I haven't been able to sleep since I was ten and there is no way I'm starting now. I grab my laptop and type away to a few emails when I noticed one email that stood out.

Hunter Valentino, the leader of the Valentino empire wants to meet with me. I know I'm only an assassin so it will probably be a job but this guy is known for doing stuff himself so why would he turn to me.

As I read through the email it really calls out. It's a mission to go undercover and help him destroy a gang. I'm not one to go after a whole gang but in this case I may.

I read over a few more details before putting it a side as I go through other emails. Once I finished I went back to that email and started typing away I wanted to know what was in it for me.

More to the point I wanted to know why he'd reach out to me. I'm not special so what made him turn to me. After I was done typing it all out I sent it before closing the laptop and falling deeper into my chair watching the world go by.


"You guys head to the house I'll join you soon" I say grabbing car keys and heading to a car

"Where are you going" mum shouts

"I just need to deal with business" I yell back getting into the car

As I drive off and turn a few corners I come face to face with a warehouse. As I pull into the car park I make a quick change and put my mask on. I get out the car and head inside holding my gun to my side.

As I walk into a room I see a chair turned around with someone sat in it as two men stand facing the wall on each side of the desk. The two men standing slowly turn to face me as they pull a chair out. I sit down in that chair as the two men walk to the door like there on guard.

"Deadly whisper" a guys voice hits my ears

The chair turns and I see Hunter Valentino sat there with his blank face like he is reading my soul. I lean back into the chair with my elbows on the arms and my hands in front of my stomach.

"I wanna know what you want" I say cutting to the point

Small talk isn't my thing, I've always hated it even as a kid. I've always been cut to the point or don't talk at all.

"I have a mission for you" he states placing papers in front of me "and so we are clear about this, I will be bringing three other mafia's into this"

As I read through the papers it's a lot. They want to take two gangs down, or should I say the two gangs that have been enemy's with the Valentino empire for a while.

"Why Do you want this" I ask placing the papers down

"They have been playing the Valentino's for a while" he states

"I'm not living in a gangster's paradise. This job is to risky and you know it" I state

"Well that's why I wanted to call you in, but if your not up to it make it clear you have till tomorrow" he states

I laugh before walking out and getting into the car. If I do this job not only will I be away from my family for a while, who might I add have nothing to do with my lifestyle. But this job may kill more then gain, it's dangerous but at the same time tempting.

Fuck my life

I drove back to the house getting changed before heading inside. As I made my way to the kitchen I see my mother cooking like always.

"Do us a favour and chop them carrots" she asks

I grab a chopping board and start chopping the carrots for her.

"What's up" She questions

"Nothing" I say

"Don't lie to me" she laughs "is it about the business you had to deal with"

"Yeah just troubles as always" I lie

As she takes the carrots and put them in the pot I turn to face her.

"I've been offered a deal but it means I won't be here for a while" I say honestly

"How much money" she asks

"More then dads wedges a month" I laugh

"Then go for it" she giggles "I mean you have always said if it's good money it's something you can't offered to lose out on"

Yeah just the risk of losing out on life

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