4. ily

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Narrator POV

One month later...


"Gyal look at you interning and shit, how was your first month babe?" Rihanna's thick Carribbean accent came through the call, "It was good Rih, I like it a lot," 

"Nic we gotta celebrate sis, what about dinner tonight, on me," Lauren chirped, her voice laced with enthusiasm, Onika could practically see her dimples cheesing at the phone, "Um- I don't know-" Onika quickly got cut off by Rihanna whom would kill for a drink, "Nah we going, tell Kenneth he call suck ya pussy if he mad," Rihanna replied with her usual straightforwardness. 

"PERIOD RIHHHHHH," Lauren yelled gassing her best friend up.

"Goodbye and goodnight, see y'all tonight," Onika said and quickly ended the call shaking her head, slightly amused. She rolled out her bed and walked into the hallway and down the stairs to Kenneth's office, "Hey Ken," she said softly leaning her head on the doorway.

Kenneth looked up from his papers with a smile, "Hello beautiful," They'd grown closer in the past month, Kenneth loving the work Onika was doing and Onika loving the work she was doing as well and also just enjoying the company of one another, "I just read over your legal draft for the Smith-Asted case," Onika by then had walked into his office and sat on his desk slightly, "Mhm, how is it?" She questioned as he held the pages in his hands, "It's spectacular, you captured everything perfectly, the fact that him fracturing his bone could've only been the cause of force because of the fracture, how did you know that?" He looked at her amazed, "I'm studying to be a doctor Kenneth, I took an orthopedics class," Onika replied, Kenneth looked at her lovingly, "You're amazing, what did you want to ask?" 

"Um I wanted to go out tonight with Rihanna and Lauren, could I go?" Kenneth's face quickly turned into one of concern, "I'm sorry, I'll just stay," Onika was ready to turn around.

"Onika, why are you asking? You're free to do whatever you want, please tell me if it seems as though I'm being parental, I didn't intend to make you feel that way, I'm sorry if I did," He said solemnly taking her hands in his, he did this a lot, Onika thought that maybe her liked her hands, how they were small enough to fit perfectly into his large ones. 

His love language was touch, she noticed it too, hugs, kisses on her hands, holding her hands, placing his hand on her back, her waist, with consent of course, but she found it comforting, she felt supported. 

She loved him, but she didn't have the guts to tell him that.

He loved her, but didn't have the guts to tell her that.

They loved each other, but understood 

"Whether you go or not, I don't mind, but I'm gonna miss you," he said kissed the top of her hands. 

"Something tells me you want me to stay," she said flirtatiously. He gently pulled her towards him making her sit on his lap, "I have to tell you something Onika..."

"Yes Ken?" she said leaning back.

"I've only been in love once, and I'm completely fine with that," he said softly comforting her as she sat on his lap her back resting on his chest. His arms embracing her gently.

"Would you like to know why?" He whispered.

"Why?" she whispered back.

"How could one ever be in love with anyone else when you exist Onika," she smiled, tears forming, 

"And you aren't obligated to feel the same, I understand, "

"I don't think I'd be sitting on you lap if I didn't feel the same Kenneth," she said sarcastically.

They both laughed, "I love you too Kenneth, you're too good for me,"

"No, no I'm not, you brought happiness into my life, you saved my life Onika,"

She lifted her head up and looked at him confused, "How?"

"When you came into my life, Kate, my sister she had passed, "

Kenneth's face fell and Onika caressed his face with her hand, "Oh Kenneth, you don't have to explain, I understand, Caiah told me," 

"I was about to commit, the pain of her death took a toll on me, but you came into my life, a personification of happy, bubbly, and pink and lit up my entire life, I fell in love with you, you're my reason on existence Onika," Onika laughed through her tears and wrapped her arms around him as he too cried, they were there for one another, always. 


short update, nother one coming tmmrw or monday :D







- onina 

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