1. beginnings

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2 months prior


I wiped my hands on the sides of my suit dress before lifting my right arm once more to fan myself, I honestly should've worn something cooler since the humidity of New York in the summertime was insane, but I wanted to look as professional for my first professional meeting with Kenneth so a suit dress and a blazer it was. Micaiah sat in the driver seat complaining on how I wouldn't let him lower the window because I didn't want to ruin my hair, "Trust me, Kenneth could care less about your hair," He stated rolling his eyes, "Well guess what I do," I snapped. 

Oh I forgot to mention, Micaiah's AC broke, yeah, timing was horrendous. 

Fucking BMW's, always breaking down and shit. 

This is why I drive a Mercedes. 

After about 15 minutes in the car we made it out of Manhattan to Hudson Yards, which might I say is the most bougie part of New York. As Caiah drove to this grandiose building that looked like it had 400 floors. I was gawking at everything, the architectural designs, the gold, the lights, the chandeliers, you name it I was truly in awe, but when Caiah pulled up into the parking lot I questioned his judgement, "Wait why are we going here, this is a residential area?" I looked at my brother confused. 

"Oh that's what I forgot to mention, we're going to his house," He said blantantly.

I slowly slid down my seat. My heart started beating faster, 

Holy shit, holy shit, Kenneth just invited me to his house, fuck, fuck, FUCK.

"Oh don't worry though he said he loves your drive and intelligence so you're definitely getting that position Oni,"

"Caiah what if he was joking? Nobody that owns a law firm that big needs an intern," I was a nervous wreck, hands sweating, I'm surprised I didn't have a panic attack. At 23, I was currently an undergraduate at Harvard, dual majoring in bio-medical engineering and law. I know, it isn't typical for a woman to be in a male predominate field, but I apparently have, 'the mind of a genius'.

So, my big mouth told my older brother Micaiah that I wanted to intern and have a hands on experience where both my majors are put to work and being who he is he had to tell his best friend Kenneth. 

I was fucked. Why? You ask, because I have the biggest crush on this man it's not even ok. When him and Caiah first met a few years ago we went to lunch and whew was I whipped. I tried and tried to supress my attraction towards him for 3 reasons, 

1. He's 8 years older than me.

2. Because he's Caiah's best friend.

3. Because I'm not his type at all.

It was aggravating, the man was so charming I could barely focus when I was in his presence, but the night that Caiah called me and told me that Kenneth wanted me to be his interned I freaked out. I didn't know if it was going to be a good thing or bad thing, I just wanted to impress him. 

"Stop stressing, you'll do great" Caiah responded calmly looking at me.

"But I'm scared, what if he doesn't like me, what if he thinks I'm incompetent, what if-" Caiah cut me off, "Just act normal and don't make it so obvious that you like him," I turned to Caiah with a shocked expression.

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