Chapter 20

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kinn shouted in shock and immediately went to him and takes the knife from his hand and takes apo into his arms and try to wake him up... The blood is flowing down from his hand.... So kinn immediately wrapped a cloth around his hand and picked him up and takes Porsche to his room and calls doc...

The doc is checking Porsche while Pete and kinn and his family is waiting outside.... Kinn is crying and that makes everyone shocked... Because kinn never cries...this is the first time he's crying... Pete is trying to comfort kinn but kinn is crying... His father korn sees kinn crying and understood how much kinn loves Porsche......soon the doc checks Porsche and come out...

Kinn: doc h-how is he?

Doc: The cut is little bit deep--


kinn got shocked after hearing that and shouted in fear

Doc: Khun kinn calm down the cut is little bit deep but he's fine he's out of danger so plz calm down khun

Doc said and kinn finally realived little bit...

Kinn went to Porsche and sits beside him and takes his hand and kissed it... His eyes got teary to see Porsche like this...

Kinn: plz wake up Porsche

Kinn said while crying.....after 1h Porsche awake and kinn immediately hugged Porsche and cried and that makes Porsche shocked...

Kinn: p-porsche... Why did you tried to kill yourself huh?  Are you trying to leave me alone? Plz don't do it again Porsche I beg you

Kinn said while crying but Porsche just went silent and listen his words... He still can't that cruel king is crying like a baby....

Kinn: Are you k now po?

Kinn asked and Porsche just nodded

Kinn: K... Take care k and I will make food for you

Kinn said and kissed his forehead and left from there.. Porsche just looked at kinn silently..... Soon Pete comes and sees Porsche's shocking face

Pete: I know phi... I'm shocked too... P'kinn cried for the first time and that makes my whole family shocked... He never cried like that... And... He cried for you phi... P'kinn loves you p'porsche... Believe me

Pete said and gives Porsche juice and Porsche drinks it....

At night...

Kinn comes to Porsche's room with a tray of food...

Kinn: Porsche.. I brought food for you na

Porsche: I'm not hungry

Kinn: Porsche plz don't like that... I know you're hungry you didn't eat anything since morning..plz eat--


Porsche shouted and cried and kinn immediately hugged Porsche but Porsche is trying to push kinn but kinn is hugging Porsche tightly

Kinn: Shhh calm down po plz calm down

Kinn comforting Porsche and Porsche is crying his heart out....

Porsche: I don't deserve to live... Why did you save me huh... Why are you caring about me? 

Kinn: Porsche I always cared about you since I brings you here... And now... My h-heart stopped after seeing you lying in blood... I can't help it but cried... I cared about you that's y I saved you not only now.. I always look after for you... I love you Porsche... I love you so much

Kinn said sincerely while looking into Porsche's eyes deeply....Porsche stops crying and looked into kinn's eyes and saw the true and sincere love

Is kinn really loves me?  I first time saw the sincerity in his eyes... He cried for me and cared about me and comforted me.......why am I feeling like I'm falling for him... OMG NO PORSCHE YOU CAN'T FALL FOR HIM... MAYBE IT'S A TRAP.. MAYBE HE'S JUST PRETENDING THAT HE LOVES YOU... but.... What if he's not pretending? What if kinn really in love with me? .....i need to think about it and BETTER FORGET THAT FUCKER VEGAS.. I DON'T NEED HIM AND WANT HIM ANYMORE...


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