9: L'argent

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Stiles stumbled through the woods, fully wolfed out. He was running. He didn't know what else to do. He couldn't go home, his dad had gotten off work early. Stiles couldn't put him in danger.

Stiles continued to run, the full moon lighting up the surrounding trees. It felt good to run, natural. The only sounds around him were of birds and other nightlife. It was peaceful.

He stopped suddenly, catching a scent. His body caught up after his brain causing him to tumble to the ground.


What was Scott doing out here?

Stiles quickly took off after the scent, needing to know if Scott was in danger. If the alpha- Derek was the reason for Stiles' dream, he could be planning something worse. Stiles had to find him before Derek did. He had to protect him.

Stiles took a quick left turn, seeing a figure in the shadows. As he got closer he noticed it was just a jacket hanging from a branch. Scott's jacket.

Derek suddenly appeared beside him.

"What did you do to him?!" Stiles yelled, lunging at Derek in a blind rage.

They both went tumbling down. Derek shoved him off quickly. "I didn't do anything." He growled out.

"Then how do you have his jacket, huh? Where is he?!" Stiles snarled, lunging again. This time they went flailing down a small hill, Stiles swiping for the mans face.

"I drove him home!" Derek snarled, his eyes turning a bright blue and his face morphing to match Stiles'.

Stiles just growled at him, not stopping his attack. "You don't get to go near him!"

Suddenly, Stiles was flying through the air and into a tree. He yelled out as his back hit the bark and quickly got up, crouching defensively. He went to attack Derek but stopped at the look on his face.

"What?" Stiles whispered, observing the mans worried look.

"Cover your eyes." Derek mumbled, his eyes darting around the surrounding trees.


"Cover your eyes!" Derek yelled as a bright light erupted on the tree next to them.

Stiles yelled, covering his eyes and ducking down. He was momentarily blinded, the light effecting his oversensitive eyes. He felt Derek's hand on the collar of his shirt, pulling him up and away. Stiles ran as fast as he could, keeping his eyes covered as more flares erupted. Suddenly the older wolves hand disappeared from him and Stiles stumbled, falling against a tree.

Stiles yelled out as pain welled up in his arm. He looked at it to see an arrow going right through his arm and into the tree behind him. His eyes widened and he looked in the direction it had fired from. Three shadows appeared from the fog, each holding a weapon. With his golden eyes Stiles could make out the first mans facial features, his blond hair and blue eyes.

Derek was suddenly back, snapping the arrow in half and pulling Stiles deeper into the forest. The young werewolf cradled his arm as he staggered through the trees. He leaned against a trunk when Derek stopped a safe distance away.

"What the hell was that?!" Stiles whispered, groaning as he pulled the arrow from his arm and watched it begin to heal.

"Hunters." Derek glanced over his shoulder.

"Hunters?!" Stiles got up quickly. "There are hunters?!"

"Of course there are. Keep your voice down."

"Okay just because you think you're my alpha doesn't mean you can-"

"What?" Derek looked at him, his eyebrow raised.

"What?" Stiles responded smartly.

"You think I'm the alpha?"

"You're not the alpha?"

"No I'm not the alpha." Derek snapped.

Stiles frowned. "Then who the hell-"

"I don't know!" Derek pinched the bridge of his nose. "I don't know yet. That's why I need your help."

"Me?" Stiles asked incredulously.

"Yes! You're his beta which means you have a connection with him, you can find him."

"Like on the bus." Stiles mumbled.

"The bus? You were there?"

Stiles shook his head. "No, I don't know. I had a dream, he made me kill Scott. I woke up in the woods and Scott was fine. I still don't know who was on the bus." He rambled out.

"He's using your mate to get to you..." Derek whispered, more to himself.

"Mate? What do you mean ma-"

Another flare of light erupted, causing both of them to yell and once again run through the forest.

"Where can we go? To hide." Stiles panted once they had stopped again, hidden in a small dip of the land.

"Nowhere. They'll know."

"Who are they?"


Stiles mulled the name over in his head. It sounded oddly familiar. It clicked then.


Stiles growled, his hands clenching into fists.

"What?" Derek glared at him, glancing around cautiously.

"Nothing," Stiles spat out. "How do we get out of here?"

"Are you in control?" Derek raised his eyebrow.

"Yes." Stiles glared, his eyes the only abnormal thing about him.

"Follow me."

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