16: The New Alpha

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Stiles froze in his tracks. He crouched down and picked up a white object he had spotted on the ground buried under some leaves.

"What is it?" Chris asked gruffly, pointing his gun into the surrounding trees, ready for an attack.

"His inhaler. Scott's inhaler." Stiles told them, his voice frantic and cracking.

"Promise me whatever happens, you'll save him. He's not one of us, okay? You have to help me save him." Stiles begged as they began sprinting through the trees again.

He could see a pitying gaze blossom on Chris' face as he followed.

"We'll do what we can." He told him, using his paternal voice.

Stiles nodded thankfully, turning away from the hunter as he morphed into his werewolf form when the Hale House came into view. He leaped into the clearing surrounding the ruins and snarled loudly.

A matching snarl sounded from the other side of the porch. Stiles looked over to find Derek already there, a fresh claw mark etched onto his face.

Derek nodded to him silently.

Both wolves rushed forward and into the house. Stiles gasped and skidded to a stop as he came face to face with the alpha, who was once again holding Scott by his throat.

"Let him go." Stiles growled, watching as Scott assessed the newcomers, obviously terrified.

The alpha, in his human form, tutted. "Why would I do that?" He grinned.

"Peter." Derek growled. "Let the boy go. He hasn't done anything."

"You know him?!" Stiles huffed out.

"He's my uncle. He's been comatose for six years."

"Yes, yes, I have," Peter sighed wistfully. His eyes landed on Kate as the Argents made their way in, just the two of them. "All thanks to you." Peter growled at her.

His gaze flickered back to Derek. "And this boy has done something, I'm afraid. It's sad to waste such a pretty face," he smirked triumphantly at Stiles' warning growl.

"He's stopped my beta from joining my pack."

"I wouldn't join you no matter what."

"Maybe we should test that theory." Peter chuckled, unsheathing his claws to press them against Scott's neck.

Scott whimpered in fear, struggling slightly to try and loosen the older mans grip. He squeezed his eyes shut as he waited to die.

"No! Don't you dare!" Stiles took a step forward but stopped himself in fear of Peter taking action.

Peter laughed softly. "Isn't it beautiful? You were lucky to find your mate so early on in life, Stilinski. Too bad you'll be losing him early too."

Scott's eyes flew open in shock. "St-Stiles, I'm your mate?" He asked in disbelief.

Stiles nodded sadly, watching as Peter growled softly in Scott's ear for speaking without permission. Scott sniffled, mouthing an 'I'm sorry' before Peter drew his arm up to slit his throat.

Peter let out a yell as the wolfsbane bullet hit him in the shoulder, causing him to drop Scott in surprise. The young boy quickly scrambled across the floor away from him, letting out a relieved sob. Stiles quickly hoisted him up, pulling him into a quick and desperate hug before pushing him behind himself when Peter got back up.

"Get out." Stiles whispered, shoving Scott to the door.

Scott didn't need to be told twice before he was sprinting outside and hiding behind the few gunmen that were waiting out there.

Stiles lunged at Peter when Scott was a safe distance away. Derek and he moved in sync as they darted around him wildly, claws swinging. Chris had his gun focused on Peter but wasn't shooting yet in fear of catching either of the betas.

Kate on the other hand took every available opportunity, not caring who she hit.

The werewolves had only gotten a few good slashes in before they were being flung out through the deteriorating wall. They landed tangled together on the dead grass. They both groaned in pain.

Chris began firing as Peter advanced on him. He was shoved to the ground by the alpha and stepped over. He watched as Peter grabbed Kate, demanding her to apologise for what she had done to him and his family.

Kate looked genuinely scared as she choked out a fake apology.

Peter slit her throat violently and without remorse.

Chris grimaced, looking away from his sisters mangled body.

Stiles and Derek jumped up from the ground when Peter casually walked through the door covered in Kate's blood. He grinned at the two betas as he approached menacingly. His body jerked as he began to change into his alpha form.

He suddenly disappeared.

Derek and Stiles turned back to back as they watched the gunmen fall one by one around them. They tried to anticipate Peter's movements but he was too quick for them. Stiles sighed in relief when he saw Scott safely hiding behind a tree a little ways into the forest.

Eventually Stiles was the only one left standing. He nudged Derek in the side with his foot, silently asking him to get back up and help him. He glanced around himself, his anger building the longer he waited.

Stiles' feet swiftly left the ground, Peter, now in his alpha form, lifting him up by the neck. Stiles growled at him, baring his teeth. He grabbed Peter's arm with his claws and tried to pry him off. His legs kicked.

"I'm not joining your pack." He spat.

He was dropped at the sound of a gun shot just as Peter was about to command him. Chris was walking towards them, putting wolfsbane bullet after wolfsbane bullet into Peter's body. His wounds quickly began to bleed black.

Peter gasped for breath as he stumbled back, grunting in pain as he turned back to human. He stumbled backwards until he fell to the floor.

Stiles followed his movements. Both Derek and Chris watched, ready to step in if needed.

Stiles growled at Peter, towering over him.

"You made a big mistake, Peter. No one- No one-!" Stiles screamed at him. "- is allowed to touch my Scott, my mate!"

Stiles raised his arm above his head.

"Wait! Stiles!" Derek yelled, not knowing if Stiles knew the consequence of killing an alpha.

Stiles brought his arm down, slashing deeply into Peters neck and halfway down his bloody torso.

The clearing was still as they listened to Peter take his final breath.

Scott slowly came out of his hiding place, standing next to Derek, a safe ways away from Peter's corpse.

Stiles quickly made his way over to him, checking him for any injury.

He turned to Derek, the blood on his face matching the colour of his eyes.

"I'm the alpha now."

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