7: Co-Captain

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The jeep came to a screeching halt outside of Scott's house. He was late to pick him up due to his abnormal morning. Stiles had had to rush home, shower and try to understand what had happened in only half an hour. He rushed to the McCall's door, knocking frantically and continuously. He was considering breaking the lock when the door opened to reveal Melissa in her scrubs, ready for work.

"Stiles? Shouldn't you be at school? It starts in like five minutes." Melissa scolded, looking at her watch.

Stiles shook his head, craning his neck to catch a glimpse of Scott. "Scott. I'm here to pick him up."

"Scott's gone." Melissa frowned, putting a hand on Stiles' forehead. "Stiles, are you alright? You're burning up."

"Yeah, I'm fine. Fine, totally fine." Stiles nodded quickly backing up. "Have a good day!" He called, throwing his hand up in a wave. He hopped back into his jeep and sped towards the school.

There was no way his dream could be real, but it had felt so real. There had been blood on his hands.

If his dream was just a dream, then where was Scott. The logical part of Stiles brain told him that Scott had left early to not be late but his frantic thoughts overshadowed his logic.

Stiles swerved into the lot, double parking. The parking lot was mostly empty except for a few stragglers. Stiles grabbed his bag and sprinted inside. Everyone was talking in low murmurs instead of their usual bubbly yelling that set Stiles eardrums on fire. Stiles only picked up a few words through his panic.

Words like 'bus' and 'blood' and 'murder'.

Stiles ran through the halls, gaining some odd looks. He slammed open the door to the outside lunch space, where the buses parked next to. His breathing hitched and his heart skipped a beat.

The bus from last night was there and covered in blood. The back door was ripped off, the back door Scott had been leaning against. Cops and forensics were littered around the scene with cameras and DNA samples.

Stiles ran a hand over his head, his eyes filling with worried tears. He turned around quickly and bumped into someone. He immediately recognised the scent.

"Scott?" He gasped, wrapping his arms around the shorter boy.

Scott looked surprised but hugged back. "Hey, you okay? I know you don't like blood much." Scott grimaced sympathetically, assuming that was what had his friend so worked up.

Stiles shook his head, following Scott down the corridor. "I thought- you weren't at your house."

Scott's eyes widened when he realised what Stiles had thought.

"Shit, dude, I'm sorry. I texted, it mustn't have gone through. It wasn't raining like the weather said and you were late so I assumed you had forgotten. Sorry for worrying you." Scott looked so sincere that Stiles had to hug him again. He kept his arm around his shoulder when he pulled back.

"Don't worry about it, Scotty. I just overthought it." He lied. Now that he knew Scott was safe he was confused. Who had been in the bus if not Scott?

The bell interrupted his train of thoughts and Scott's reply.

"I'll see you at lunch, yeah?"

Stiles nodded but held Scott for a moment longer. He couldn't get the imagine of Scott bloody and crying out of his mind. He let him go reluctantly.

Stiles kept close to Scott for the rest of the day, walking him to the classes they didn't share, shadowing him. Scott had looked confused but didn't bring it up, enjoying the extra time with his friend.

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