Part 4

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Yoongi was pleasantly surprised by the end of the evening, Namjoon had been right, Hana was a very easy kid to take care of.
They had gone to Hana and Minji's apartment, where Hana was very comfortable, ad Yoongi let her eat as much pizza as she wanted. Yoongi had been worried that the food would be too hot, so he put Hana's first slice in the freezer for a minute before giving it to her. She had looked at him confused but ate the food without complaint.
"What do we do now?" Yoongi asked sitting back down at the table. Hana watched quietly as he had thrown their paper plates in the trash and put the extra pizza into the fridge.
"Maggots!" Hana says excitedly, bouncing in her chair.
"What?" Yoongi stares at the small girl, trying to remember a time when he had been this confused.
"Play maggots!" Hana repeats, waiting for him to respond as her mom did.
"I don't know what that is," Yoongi tells the little girl, assuming that he should just be honest with her. Hana studies him, unsure what to do with this response.
"Can you show me the maggots?" Yoongi asks, equally scared of a potentially explosive reaction from Hana and the idea of playing with bugs.
"I show!" Hana jumps off the chair which makes Yoongi grimace, should he have lifted her down, so she didn't get hurt? Hana is unfazed by this train of thought, already skipping across the open room to a shelf in the living room area. She sits on the floor and pulls a box off of a shelf.
She pops it open and points to the colorful squares and triangles inside, "Maggots!"
Yoongi sighs in relief, having followed her with trepidation, really not wanting to play with living insect larvae today. "Yeah, we can play with those!" He tells Hana and she grins at him before dumping the bin out all over the floor.
Yoongi looks around before sitting down near her as she starts to build a tower with the squares. The edges snap together magnetically, and he realizes that they were magnets, Hana had been trying to say magnets but couldn't say it properly. Namjoon did tell him she wasn't the best with speech.
He shakes his head with a smile, watching as Hana skillfully builds different shapes with the toys.
"Yoogi," Hana holds a small stack of squares out to him, insistently, "I sare!" She smiles at him.
Yoongi looks at the toys and carefully takes them from her, hoping she would go back to playing with her own, but she continues to watch him expectantly. He takes a breath and regards Hana's impressive tower before making a simple cube with the squares. He holds it up for Hana's inspection and claps with a grin, "Goo sha, Yoogi!"
Yoongi smiles at her, pretty sure she had just told him he had done a good job, "Thank you, Hana, you are doing a really good job too,"
"Tanks!" Hana then goes back to her toys and pulls out some small dolls, pretending that they lived in the various towers and shapes she had made.
Yoongi watches her play, fascinated by the small human's imagination and funny mannerisms.
They played for a while longer, Hana showing him several other toys that she had on her shelf and managing to get Yoongi to interreact more comfortably with the toys.
It was just past 8 pm when she yawned, her small body starting to slow down in her energetic actions.
"Getting tired, Hana?" Yoongi asks the suddenly very sleepy girl. She nodded, rubbing one eye, a small Disney doll still clutched in her hand.
"Can you show me what you do before you go to sleep?" Hana perked up slightly at this, quickly throwing the doll into the box she had pulled it from and standing up to walk out of the room.
Yoongi followed her into a bedroom, his nose wrinkling, uncomfortable in someone else's private space. Hana walked into the connected bathroom, pointing up at the counter and saying something about "bushes".
"Teeth? Or hair?" Yoongi asked, seeing both on the counter.
"Up?" Hana asked placing one hand on Yoongi's thigh. Yoongi looked at her, scared for a moment before giving in and awkwardly lifting her under her arms. He looked at her, dangling in front of him and she simply looked right back at him, studying his face.
"I don't know what I'm doing Hana," He tells her, and she smiles, telling him again, "Bush!"
"Right, let's brush your teeth," He places her on the counter, sitting in front of him so she wouldn't fall off and she helps him, helps her brush her teeth, wash her face and brush through her hair.
"Are we all done?" Yoongi asks, genuinely not knowing if he was supposed to do more than this.
"Yeah," Hana decides, turning on the counter and reaching toward Yoongi again. He only hesitates slightly before picking the small girl up. He manages to get one arm under her rear, how he had seen kids carried all the time, and walks out of the bathroom.
He takes one look at the bed and walks out of the bedroom as well. "Where do you sleep, Hana?" He asks, "mama bed." She responds, looking back into the bedroom.
"Um," He looks at Hana, not wanting to go back into the bedroom but not knowing what else to do. "Can we sleep over there?" He points to the couch.
"Yoogi sleep?" Hana asks, sounding hopeful. She lays her head down on Yoongi's shoulder, her small face pressed into his neck.
"Yeah, if you want me to," Yoongi tells her, shaking his head at how fast this little thing had gotten him wrapped around her cute, tiny fingers.
Hana nods against his neck and sighs, getting comfortable as Yoongi sits down on the couch.
A few minutes later she was asleep, tiny light snores fluttering into the collar of Yoongi's hoodie.
Despite the fact that he had not been awake for more than three hours, Yoongi's breath slowly began to match Hana's and soon he was sound asleep, his own personal, tiny heater cuddled into his chest.

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