Part 3

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Minji runs across the street and bursts through the door, apologizing profusely to the man at the front desk of the preschool.
"I am so sorry it took me this long to get here! My brother was supposed to pick Hana up and he told me last minute he couldn't-" she takes a deep breath as the man smiles at her.
"It's quite okay, we understand things happen sometimes, Mr. Taehyung should be bringing her up here any moment now, I think he was having her, and another little boy help him clean the classroom while they wait." His words give Minji some relief at not being the last one there to pick up her child.
"Oh, thank god, again, I am so sorry!" Minji quickly moves to the school's tablet and signs her daughter out.
The man behind the counter smiles again as he moves a stack of papers away from himself.
"Sorry, what was your name? I don't remember seeing you before?" Minji asks, half out of boredom as she waits for Hana, she knows she would have remembered a man this beautiful if she had met him before.
He smiles again, "I'm Seokjin! I work the evening shift so we wouldn't have met if you don't pick up."
"Maaaaaaa!" Hana yells from the hallway behind the desk and Minji looks up with a smile as Hana starts to run toward her.
"Please walk Hana, we don't run inside!" Minji looks up toward the voice to see yet another beautiful man walking after Hana, holding a little boy's hand. Hana frowns but slows down, making the man grin, and Minji smile, giving the little girl a thumbs up.
"Hey! Good job walking in the hall! How was your day?" Minji asks when Hana finally reaches her. The baby smiles and happily lets out a long string of words that Minji can't quite make out, she just smiles at Hana.
"I'm Taehyung by the way," Minji looks up sharply having forgotten he was there, "I get here after Hana gets dropped off, but she is in my class, I hope that isn't a problem."
"Oh of course not! You can call me Minji, or Hana's mom or whatever, It's great to meet you!"
As Taehyung responds warmly, the door opens and a man walks in, collecting the other child before leaving quickly with a wave.
"How is she doing?" Minji asks Taehyung and Seokjin, Hana patiently holding her hand and humming a little tune. "I get reports from my brother, but he can be forgetful."
"Oh, she's great! You've got a little smarty on your hands! Any new things are going to be difficult, but she seems to be handling the transition to school very well, I will definitely keep you updated if we have any issues," Taehyung says with a smile at Hana.
"Oh, that's so good to hear! I worry that she won't like it away from home, but I don't really have a choice, there isn't anyone else to watch her. Thank you again, Taehyung,"
"It's really no problem, it is my job, but she makes it easy on me!" Taehyung grins, beginning to move around behind the desk. Seokjin suddenly starts in his chair and smiles as the door opens behind Minji yet again.
"JU!" Hana bellows and rips her hand from Minji's, bolting toward the figure in the doorway.
"Hana?" Namjoon scoops her up despite his confusion, recovering quickly from the shock.
"I'll leave now, good to meet you Minji," Taehyung says before quickly heading back down the hallway.
"Hana, please don't run from mom like that," Minji sighs as Namjoon reaches the desk, standing beside Minji.
"You guys know each other?" Seokjin looks between the three of them, brow furrowed.
"Yeah, this is my neighbor with the cute kid," Namjoon quickly tells Seokjin before addressing Minji, "Jin is my boyfriend," He says it quietly, cheeks-stained pink.
The way Namjoon said it made it clear that he was still in shock to be able to call Seokjin by that title, and Minji smiled, it was good to see Namjoon this happy.
Seokjin grinned from his chair behind the desk, looking fondly at his awkward, tall, lanky but very cute boyfriend.
"Oh my god, you guys are so cute," Minji breathes out, looking between the two of them. Hana decides that right then was the perfect time to tell Namjoon something important, breaking the sweet moment.
Namjoon listens carefully to the blabber coming from the small girl, still held in his arms, nodding along despite not having any idea what she was saying.
"Hana let's go and have dinner now," Minji says gently, placing a hand on the child's back. Hana instantly pouts, wrapping her arms around Namjoon.
"I know Namjoon is your friend, but he is going to go have dinner with Mr. Seokjin now and they can't bring you with them." Hana considers this before letting Minji take her from Namjoon with a sigh that screamed reluctance.
"Koo?" Hana asks after a moment and Minji cringes internally, "No uncle Kookie tonight, he is at school."
Hana pouts and lays her head on Minji's shoulder, sad that none of her friends were going to play with her that night.
"Maybe you can knock on my door again and make her a new friend out of Yoongi," Namjoon wiggles his eyebrows, and Seokjin looks mildly interested in the comments.
"Dude, I talked to him once." Minji deadpans and Namjoon laughs.
"All I'm saying is that he thought you were cute too, you don't have to date him but keep it in mind," Namjoon teases, hands up in surrender.
"What happened?" Seokjin asks, still in his desk chair, eyes darting back and forth between the two of them, clearly interested in whatever drama this was.
"I'll let Namjoon fill you in, I really do need to get some food in us," Minji says stepping away from the counter, "Say goodbye," Hana waves, the excitement of the day starting to catch up to her.

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