Part 1

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"Minji!" Minji looks up to see a tall silver-haired man jogging toward the elevator and a smile breaks across her face. She quickly holds the door open and waits for Him to reach her.
He enters the elevator and Minji steps back, making sure there was plenty of room for the man.
"I haven't seen you in so long," She says, still smiling, "How have you been, Namjoon?"
"I've been great, I'm sure you haven't missed me that much, I texted you the other day," Namjoon smiles, and Minji laughs.
"Of course, I remember, where were you anyway?"
Namjoon shuffles his backpack from one shoulder to the other, "It was Canada, the meetings went really well!"
"That's great! I'm sure your roommate will be happy to have you back home," Minji says, watching the floor number rise.
"I'm sure he will, but how are you? You didn't say much in your text."
Minji sighs, "It's been kinda insane around here."
Namjoon waits for her to continue and she gives him a tired smile, "My roommate moved out and I haven't found someone to take her spot, Hana starts her first day of preschool tomorrow, everyone at work has been extra tense because one of us is getting promoted, and a coworker quit so I have double work some days. Jungkook has been fantastic, he's staying with Hana as much as possible. And the washing machine in my unit broke yesterday."
Namjoon stares at her, "Minji, how are you still alive?"
Minji chuckles, "I have to just deal with life as it comes, it can't be helped."
Namjoon sighs, "I hate that you have so much on your plate, my life seems like a cakewalk compared to yours. Let me know if you need help with anything, I'll have free time for a while!"
The elevator made a sound and the doors slid open soundlessly.
"That means a lot Namjoon, you better not be lying, I really might need you," Minji says, half joking, as she steps out of the elevator.
Namjoon followed her as they took a left down the hallway, "I do mean it, we're friends, of course, I can help out when you need it!"
Minji laughed and stopped at the second to last door, "Thanks again, I hope you rest up from your flight!"
"I definitely will!" Namjoon pats Minji's shoulder and continues down the hallway to the last door, unlocking the door as Minji entered her apartment.

"Maaaaaaa!" Minji cringes at the scream but quickly puts her bag down and kneels to catch the three-year-old sprinting straight at her.
"Hey baby," she quickly stands up with the small girl propped on her hip and walks further into the apartment, "What did you do today while I was gone?"
"I play the kitchen and the maggots with Uncle Koo!" Hana fills her mother in excitedly, continuing to talk about something that had happened at the park earlier.
"That sounds like it was fun! I'm glad you had a good time, baby!" MINJI smiles at her daughter, "Where is uncle Kookie?"
Hana's face turns serious, "Hiding! I was looking for him."
"You were playing hide and seek with uncle Kookie?" MINJI asks, heading toward the kitchen.
"Yeah! He couldn fine me, he looked a long time," Hana grins, proud of her accomplishment.
"Wow, good job! But I bet we can find him together! He's probably hungry." Minji mutters the last sentence to herself, knowing her younger brother was always hungry.
"Oh, yes, I go look in the batroom," Hana wiggles, and Minji puts her down, watching as her daughter skips off to look for her uncle. Minji grabs her bag and heads to her own bedroom to quickly change out of her work clothes. She had just pulled her shirt over her head when she heard a shriek followed by loud high-pitched laughter. Minji smiles at the sound and quickly leaves her room, following the sound.
She finds Jungkook in the hall outside their rooms, holding Hana upside down by her ankles as she laughed hysterically.
"Hey, Kook," Minji leans against the doorway as Jungkook looks up. He flips the baby around, holding her right side up and she shrieks again, having way too much fun being thrown around.
"Hey Noona," He grins at her.
"How did it go today?" Minji asks, starting to walk toward the kitchen.
Jungkook puts Hana on his back and follows his sister, "Fine, did you know there is a second park if you go north instead of west?" He asks, ignoring the little laughs still coming from the small figure plastered across his back.
"Jungkook, this is the city, there are parks everywhere," Minji tells him with a laugh, pulling out some side dishes from the fridge. Jungkook frowns, thinking about the information.
Jungkook was three years younger than Minji and was relatively new to the city. He had transferred to the college near Mini and Hana, wanting to be closer to them and far from their parents.
"How's college going?" Minji asks, "Your dorm still, okay? You could move in here if you want."
"It's easier to sleep near campus, but maybe during the summer," Jungkook sat down at the table, letting Hana crawl off of him and into her own chair.
Minji nods, pulling out plates to serve their dinner, "Okay, just let me know. Thanks for being here extra too, I really appreciate it."
"Of course, lessons are light this week anyway, it won't be an issue until finals," Jungkook pulls a box of crayons across the table to Hana to reach easier as she examines a blank piece of paper.
Minji was in a bit of a tight spot, the past week had been hard to find someone to watch Hana during the day, luckily Jungkook didn't mind skipping a few classes and Hana would be starting preschool the next day, meaning Jungkook would have his days to himself.
"Anything crazy happen?" Minji asks, pulling Jungkook from his thoughts as she sets the plates on the table.
"I saw that short guy from next door. He was just standing on the sidewalk outside staring at a cloud for like 20 minutes," Jungkook related the sight with a frown on his face.
"The one with the pink hair?" Minji asks, brow furrowed. Namjoon had many friends who she always missed seeing even though everyone else saw them constantly.
"No, it's green, like a light green," Jungkook helps Hana open her box of crayons, every single one of them broken in half. The kid had too much energy and always broke them out of excitement.
"I don't know if I've seen one with green hair," She sat down at the table, watching Hana color, "I should get her colored pencils, those won't break as easy."
"You would have to sharpen those for her, like all the time." Jungkook pointed out, reaching for the cup of coffee he had made that afternoon. It had gone cold by this time of day.
Minji sighed, "I hate it when you are right," Jungkook laughed and they began eating, encouraging Hana to take a break from her crayons to eat her own bowl of soup and rice.

It started a few minutes after Jungkook left the apartment for his dorm. Minji had started cleaning up the kitchen but stopped to take Hana into the bedroom, starting her bedtime routine. Suddenly there was a deep bass sound reverberating through the wall.
Minji stood staring at the wall of the room, dumbfounded. That was Namjoon's apartment, she had never heard loud music from that side of the apartment ever. A few times there had been quiet music from the living room wall but not very loud. Hana stopped in her tracks, sensing that something was off with her mother.
"Ma?" She wrapped her arms around Minji's leg. Minji smiled down at her, "Let's take a bath and brush those cute little teeth, shall we?" She lifted the small girl and brought her into the bathroom, hoping the music would stop soon.

The noise hadn't stopped an hour later when Minji and Hana had finished their entire bedtime routine. Hana was laying in her small bed, gripping her stuffed owl with one arm, staring at the ceiling. MINJI watched her for a few minutes before deciding to clean the last few dishes.

20 minutes later, the sound was still going. Hana was jumping on Minji's bed, the music not only keeping the girl awake but giving her extra energy.
"Hana, come here," Minji pulled Hana down and laid down with her, trying to get her to calm down. Hana laid still for a while but was not going to sleep. Minji was getting tired herself, but she couldn't let Hana stay up tonight, she had preschool in the morning. What was going on? She didn't understand what they were doing in the next apartment, and why did it sound like they were playing the same song over and over?
After another 30 minutes passed with no sign of the music stopping, she gave up. Hana was wildly running around the room, and it was two hours after her bedtime. "Hana, come here, we are going to find out what's going on," Minji held her hand out and Hana ran over, grabbing two of Minji's fingers in her fist.
Minji lead her into the hallway and left to the last door in the hallway, Namjoon's.
Minji rang the doorbell, trying to keep a tight grip on her daughter. Hana was trying to break free, wanting to run down the hallway. Nobody answered the door, and she rang the bell again. Just as the door cracked open Hana gave a tug that was pretty impressive for her size, broke free, and ran down the hall.
"Hana!" Minji called after her as she made her escape.
"Hello?" Minji turned back toward the door to see not Namjoon but a "short" man with mint-colored hair looking out at her, confusion written on his face.
Minji stared at him, surprised that it hadn't been Namjoon to answer. Hana giggled, flittering around the hallway and Minji decided to just let her be for a few moments. She couldn't really go anywhere in an enclosed hallway.
She turned to the man, keeping one eye on Hana, "Hi, I'm sorry to bother you, I normally wouldn't care about music, but I live next door and the room my daughter sleeps in is right up against whatever room you all are playing that song in. I promise, I normally don't care but I need her to sleep well tonight, she starts preschool tomorrow, and I don't want her to be grumpy her first day."
The man at the door looked embarrassed and regretful. "I'm so sorry, I'll turn it off, I didn't know it was that loud I promise."
Minji cracked a small smile and caught Hana's arm as she made her return sprint, "Thank you so much! You have no idea how much I appreciate that," Minji tells him as Hana attempted to escape yet again.
"Is there anything else I can do to help?" The man asks, having noted the circles under Minji's eyes.
"Unless you have some extra strong Benadryl, I don't think so," Minji laughed lightly, letting Hana pull her back toward their door. "Thank you! I'm gonna try to get her to sleep now."
Yoongi gave her a small wave, watching as the two walked back down the hall and into the apartment next to his. Not only did he lower the music, but he also turned off his computer and decided to give sleeping a try himself, mystified by the young mother who apparently lived next door to him and Namjoon.

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