Chapter VIII

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The place was silent. I stood from the bed and found that it was easier to walk than before, and I wasn't overly sore. I mean, I was, but I could handle it well enough. Iris was sleeping in my arms and I decided to go ahead and change her. After I did that, I stripped myself of the clothing I was wearing. It would be easier to change this way.

Once she was peacefully a wolf in my arms, I opened the door. Surprisingly--there was no one there. I looked down the halls, which was also completely barren and white. Nothing. No sign of life.

I exited the door and shut it quietly behind me. Still, nothing and no one.

I went by instinct, since I had no idea where to go. My wolf would help me get out of this.

I turned right down the hallway and stopped at the corner. Peaking over it, there was still no one in sight. So I shuffled down the hall quickly. There were two choices when I reached the end of that hall. Left or straight. I chose the hall in which I didn't hear voices coming my way. That would be straight.

So far, I hadn’t come into contact with anyone.

The smell of this place wasn't right. There wasn't one, I noticed. The halls were odorless. The room they had me in was odorless.

After what seemed like an endless amount of running and hiding, and barely making it out of sight, I came to a heavy steel door. And when I opened it, there were stairs.

The stairs were concrete. The smell in the hallway where the stairs were was...unsettling. I shuddered. There were dull red stains in the concrete walls, and I knew, deep down, that it was blood. Whether they had fought this Alpha or had been wrongfully killed, or even if they had died in some kind of war. There was blood on these walls.

I snuck quietly up the stairs with Iris. Then I came to another door.

I took a deep breath and opened it.

It was a normal, regular, common house. Or, mansion. The inside was very ornate, it looked expensive. It looked like a wealthy, successful businessman's home.

And, surprisingly, there was no one around.

I walked quickly and as quietly as I could. There was a hallway where the floor was decorated with a long, oriental rug. And then came the stairs. I walked down them slowly because I had a slight limp in my leg. I pushed the thought away, however, when it led to thinking of my other pains. I couldn't think of pain right now.

I was in a large room and I was walking past another small room. The small room was dark, and I couldn't see much inside.

Voices. They came from the opposite side of the large room.

And then a hand went over my mouth, but my instincts told me to be still. I couldn't see whoever it was. My back was against their chest. But we both stayed quiet as the voices of two people, a man and a woman, passed us. Then, when they were gone, I was turned around quickly. My arms hung tightly to Iris.

It was him. The son.

"Before you say anything," he said, "I don't hate you. And I'm sorry I said the things I did. I had to say them to help get you out of here." His voice was a quiet whisper, and I listened to every word he said. His voice was sincere, genuine. It was soft and low.


"My father never intended for you to leave. He's a tyrant here, he's bad. I'm going to help you escape. But once you're out of my lands, don't stop running, because he will follow you."


"Because I'm not like my father. Because I would hate to be trapped here, too." He pulled me further into the dark room when another person passed. "I won't give you clothes because it'll render your ability to shift. Listen," he whispered softly into my ear. "I don't want you to die. But if you stay here, that's what'll happen. So leave quickly." I nodded. "Here's a little money. Eventually they'll see that you've escaped, and from then on, I won't be able to help you." I nodded again. "Come on," he said. He kissed my forehead. "Don't die."

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