Marathon Mind

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"You can't run away from how you feel."

I don't have to run from things that I can bury.
Beneath the gravel and grass,
Watching the sun set with the reality that beckons me to leave for home.
The two towers standing tall in the horizon,
A mockery of a love we just left behind.
Breathing in the clouds of misery,
Bound by the spell that refuses to break.

P¹: "Do it."
P²: "You gave up the power to tell me what to do a long time ago."
P¹: "Did I?"
P²: "You did."
P¹: "Hm."
    "Well I won't do it either."
P²: "You think I care?"
P¹: "I know you do."
P²: "Hm."
P¹: "You can't run away from how you feel."
P²: "I don't have to run away from things I can bury beneath the gravel and grass."
P¹: "Or things that you can just leave forgotten in ELM street."
P²: "Hm."
P¹: "Hm."

A crimson paint spreading gradually on the pale canvas,
With fiery visions of a future none existent.
There is no such thing as a wrong turn.
There is no such as a regret when real people find real love.

©️ mirthyKayla

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