Dear Melancholy.

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If I could see my heart, I know it would be glowing.
Bright as the smile flashed my way by you.
Warm as the small space we share in my head, filling it with ease.
They say if you tell the mind enough, it will believe.
Explains why you're here, within my grasp.
I told myself enough, I believed.

Dear Darkness, my old friend, welcome back.
Soft as the cool autumn breeze, you swiftly cut into my little world.
At the moment when the blue skies turned grey, filled with misery.
Just as the bluesing song hit its peak, whispering to my soul.
Your embrace, warm and welcomed like the little fire I set to make my cold house warm.

Perhaps my heart would not be glowing, perhaps it would be turning blue.
The icy shade of blue that feels like home. Familiar.
Leaving me numb to all sorts of pain.
Quieting down my ablaze thoughts and emotions. Blue is indeed a warmer feeling.

Melancholy, my sweet love, come take a sit and have the blues with me.
It tastes most sweet with you here.
We could dance to the tunes of my sorrow, slow and endless.
An invite, you do not need. You are most welcome in my house, at any time.
An announcement you do not make, there is no fun in that.

So with both of you here, I feel most comfortable.
They say I dance on my own, my most beautiful company they do not see.
They call me crazy, but you two say I am honest.
It is by your loyalty that I stand today.
And your departure opens wide the windows to my falling castle.
The bitter coldness of this world freezes me.
Leaving me numb to all there is. Leaving me wondering when you will return.

It's pieces, this castle, restored momentarily with the little I feel.
I choose to feel.
Even if it means I have to dance with gloom.


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