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Frozen in place.
Frozen in time.
Listening to the betrayal served by my own body.
From beneath, tasted the fear offered by your hands.
"Deserved", said my own mind.
As my heart tried to fulfil its duties, my skin crawled.
My once favourite song, sang and hated.
My once favourite memories tainted and faded.
Your once caring love, screaming at me to do something.

Failing smiles and falling tears.
Your walk past, feeling like the past.
The light you shone, dimming with each greeting.
I have felt this coming.
I have smelled this future.
I did not, in the slightest, believed it would be this way.

Dear heart, mend yourself.
Dear will, push me forward.

The end is nigh.
As is the end of the beginning.

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