We Won, Soldier [Post-Book]

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Silena was getting settled into her new home in Elysium when she suddenly got a knock on her door. That was a bit odd, as people hardly visited one another there- Most residents just relaxed for the rest of eternity, but she wasn't one to turn away someone like that. This proved to be a good call since the person at the door was...

"Charles?" she asked, unable to contain the sudden emotion in her voice. Beckendorf smiled down at her, his grin slightly crooked but so very him, and oh Gods, how she'd missed him.

"Hi" he said with a light chuckle as she rushed forward, pulling him into a hug as tears came to her eyes. He accepted the hug and patted her back lightly. "Glad to see me?"

"You have no idea"

"How did the battle go?" he asked. Silena smiled at him.

"I passed a little before the end, but I think we won"

"I'm glad"

"Me too" the girl kissed him. "I love you so much, Char"

"I love you too" Beckendorf replied, his smile still plastered on, wide as ever. "And I'm not leaving again"

Percy Jackson and the Olympians #5 : The Last Olympian - MISSING SCENESWhere stories live. Discover now