He's Fine (He's Stressed) [Between Chapters 13 & 14]

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As Prometheus, Ethan, and the empousa walked away, Percy felt his stomach twist in worry. Grover, who had an empathy link with the younger boy, immediately picked up on this and placed a hand on his shoulder. Percy flinched back slightly at the sudden touch but relaxed when he saw it was just his friend.

"You're nervous"

"I'm just tired" the demigod deflected. Thalia watched him silently from a few feet away. She knew he'd seen something bad. Something telling. Something that had truly shaken him. But, it could've been literally anything. "We should head back..."

"You know you can lean on me, right?" Grover told him. "And Thalia. And all of us" he continued. Thalia smiled and nodded- As much as she and Percy had argued in the past, the truth was they still cared about one another.

"Yeah" she agreed. "You aren't alone, or whatever"

"We need to get back" Percy deflected the both of them. He was the one everyone was looking to. He was invincible. He wasn't weak.

Grover and Thalia exchanged a worried look before following him back to the Plaza.

Percy Jackson and the Olympians #5 : The Last Olympian - MISSING SCENESWhere stories live. Discover now