The amusement park ch 10- Years later

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I put on my sunglasses and walked out of the Whittler building proudly. Where did I park my car again?
I pulled out my phone and called Moxie.
"Yo, where are you? I'm done."
"Please, there's a lot of traffic. Give me a minute."
I watched as a white minivan pulled up.
"Hey Moxie." I said while opening the car door to get in. "Want to go to Sakura Donuts?"
"Can we?"
"The closest one is 2 miles away."
I stared at the buildings and thought. I had already written my first comic during the first year of high school. I went from one comic to 12 within 7 years. And along with that, I recently hit 500,000 subscribers. Things can change really quickly.
We arrived at Sakura Donuts 15 minutes later.
"Tiffany, we should try out the mochi donuts that they added recently."
"What flavors did they add recently?"
"Well, apparently they add a green apple, blue raspberry, caramel apple, and fudge."
"Ooh all of those sound really good. Let's get a dozen and then go home."
After ordering all the donuts, we got back into the car and drove home.
"So are you gonna keep working on the video at home?"
"I want to relax honestly," I said. "I was thinking maybe we can just watch a movie?"
"Sure, I don't mind. Well, actually that's not happening since your family is coming."
"Wait what? Since when did they say that? Well, they said that they wanted to surprise you so act shocked." "So basically you just spoiled the surprise."
"Shh, no I didn't."
I laughed and took out a donut to munch on.
"I got an email while you were gone. It turns out I managed to get a role in the show Strange Things."
"That's awesome! So when you go on set, can you give me a tour? I'd love to see what goes on behind the scenes."
"Sure, but it seems pretty exhausting."
I'm sure you'll do well," I said. "When everything is complete, I'll definitely watch all the episodes that you're starring in."
"Thanks Tiffany, I appreciate the support."
"Of course." I answered while smiling.
I stared at the river we passed by and continued to think. I haven't gone back to the amusement park in years, but I kind of miss it. Now, I'm the girl I've always wanted to be. I'm a lot more confident, my self-esteem is pretty high, and I've inspired many people who are like me. I'm proud of myself since I was able to do all of these things. I remember, seven years ago I never thought that I'd be at the point where I'm at today. It still feels slightly surreal, but also really good.
We arrived home 20 minutes later and as soon as I walked in I heard something that sounded like a confetti cannon. Confetti then rained down and I was surprised. "Congrats on getting 500,000 subscribers!" Everybody in my house shouted. Oh my God, why were there so many people?
"Thank you!" I shouted back. It's amazing how they were willing to put all this together for me. I put down the box of mochi donuts on the floor where nobody would step on it and walked back out into the living room which had balloons everywhere. All the balloons were blue, silver, or white. There was also a small pile of gifts in the corner. "Let's dance!" Someone said. I looked over their direction and noticed that it was Janice, my cousin. Wow, I wasn't expecting her to be here. After all she lives in New York not Massachusetts.
"Janice!" I exclaimed. "It's so nice to see you."
"Likewise,"she said as she began to play music loudly.
We spent the next hour laughing and dancing. There were great songs playing, such as Say So and Valentino.
"I'm so tired," I said while the song Waves was playing. "Moxie, want to go eat some snacks?"
"Sure, after all I'm kind of hungry. What food did everybody bring?"
"Let's go check in the kitchen."
We walked over to the kitchen and noticed a few boxes of pizza. There are also cupcakes, cookies, eclairs, croissants, and many other pastries. In the corner there was juice and soda. I poured out some Sprite and put in some ice while grabbing a plate and putting two chocolate chip cookies on it.
"To be honest Moxie," I began. "I never thought I'd make it this far. After all, right now I have over 500,000 subscribers and I'm still continuing to become an even more successful writer."
"I knew you'd be able to do it from the start," he answered, "You just need an extra push to believe in yourself."
"I'm really glad I had you here with me Moxie, thank you for everything."
"Of course, but there's something else I need to tell you."
"Okay, what is it?"
"I'll tell you after we finish celebrating."
I suddenly noticed the music stop and a few people were walking over to the kitchen. Some of them grabbed all the pizza boxes while the others opened up the fridge and brought out a large light brown box. I followed them into the dining room and watched as they put down the pizza boxes and the mysterious brown box.
My dad opened up the light brown box and I noticed that inside was a cake. It had white frosting and a crown of pink buttercream. There were also roses on top.
"This cake is so pretty!" I exclaimed. I immediately took out my phone to take some pictures.
"I'm guessing that you're going to upload those onto Instagram?" Moxie said.
"Yes," I answered. "You're right."
I know you well," Moxie responded as he walked into the kitchen. He came back a second later with a knife.
"Why do you have that? I asked. "To cut the cake. First though, we need to talk."
He placed the knife down on the table and walked over to me.
"Tiffany, I never said this out loud but I like you. You're an amazing person and I'd do anything for you. Will you be my girlfriend?''
I felt my heart warm and butterflies appearing in my stomach.
"Yes!" I answered while wrapping my arms around him.
Everyone suddenly began clapping.
"We're happy for you!"
I let go and looked up at him.
"Together we'll be unstoppable."Moxie said.
"Unstoppable." I repeated.

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