The amusement park ch 9- April Vacation

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"I'm so glad it's finally April break." Moxie said while we were on a call.
"Me too," I answered.
The school year was a long year, and a lot has happened. The thing is, I didn't get to be who I wanted to be.
"Moxie, can I tell you something?"
"Yeah, what's up?" He responded.
"Well, I'm glad I got through the school year but I feel like I could've been more. Like, this year I really wanted to make more friends and be more confident. Also, I wanted to boost my self-esteem. I feel disappointed in myself that I wasn't able to do that."
It fell silent for a moment.
"Well Tiffany, things don't always go the way that we want them to go. We just need to accept that and move on. There's always next year just because you couldn't achieve that goal this time around doesn't mean you won't be able to next time. And, I'll be there to support you if you need it."
"Thanks Moxie," I said. "I really appreciate it."
"So are you doing anything over break?"
"Well," I began. "April break is where the court case is happening about the divorce between my mom and my dad. Also, yesterday was Luca's birthday so we both hung out. In addition, I want to focus on uploading my series. Do you remember the comic contest?
"Yeah why?"
"Well, apparently the results are supposed to be out this Friday at around 11 PM. I was thinking maybe we could go on a call at that time and talk about the results. After all, it's possible that I won and we'll get to know right away if we stay up.
"Sure I don't mind. I'll call you at that time then."
"Do you want to meet up at any point this week by the way? I have a lot of time to do that since I don't have many plans."
"Okay, where do you want to go?
"I was thinking maybe we could go to a restaurant or something and grab lunch together."
"What day do you want to go?"
"Maybe on Thursday? I mean that's the day after the court case so I can share with you the results and stuff at that time."
"Sure I'll see you on Thursday then."
"Wait, can it be at 11? And where should I meet you?"
"Okay, also right in front of that donut shop in Austin."
"Okay, got it. Well I'm gonna go start working on the series. I didn't start putting it together and I only have the voice overs for it. See you later!"
I ended the call and immediately began working. I only have one week of break so I have to make the most of my time.
Thursday came around really quickly and soon I found myself waiting for him to arrive right now. When he arrived, we walked over to Pamela Bread and ordered food. As soon as it arrived, we both walked over to an available spot and sat down.
"So," Moxie began. "What ended up happening?"
"Well, my dad won full custody of me. Also, he's getting the house so my mom will have to move out within the next two weeks.
"That's awesome! I'm happy for you."
"Well I don't know if I'd exactly say happy. After all, nothing can erase those memories of her."
"Well, you're going to therapy so hopefully that helps."
"Yeah, hopefully. The results are coming out tomorrow and I'm really looking forward to seeing what ended up happening."
"Me too. How is your YouTube series coming along?"
"It's going well, I ended up posting the first two episodes already. The prologue already got around 50,000 views."
"Wow, that's impressive. Hopefully, you keep getting more views. I think your series is just a thing that's needed right now, after all last year was a tough year. Same with the year before that. If you don't have anything else to say, I was thinking maybe we could go back to the amusement park."
"Actually, I've been to every ride already. I didn't tell you this when we first did it but I was already thinking of an amusement park. There's no point unless you want to come up with a different place to go to."
Moxie then smiled.
"You know Tiffany, I brought it up so it could help you escape reality temporarily whenever you need it. Now, I think you need to find another way to deal with things aside from escaping reality because the daydreams are getting too bad. I still want you to be able to focus in school and not struggle with concentrating." "Yeah I know," I answered. "I guess I just temporarily needed a way to escape from everything, after all it was really rough."
"It's okay Tiffany, your mom is gone now. Anyway, tomorrow the results will be coming out."
"I know, I'm really nervous but also pretty excited to know."
I found myself feeling nervous throughout the whole night. Come on, why can't time pass by faster? I need to know.
The day quickly passed by and soon it was 10:45 PM. I heard my phone ring and I picked it up.
"Hey Moxie," I said. "How was your day?"
"Boring like usual. I don't really do much over break and it's not like my parents take me anywhere."
"Maybe sometime you can go to a different state or outside of Boston with me."
"Yeah maybe. I bet my parents will let me since they never really care about anything related to me. As long as I'm home at a decent time and nobody suspects anything then it's okay."
I stared at the clock for the next 14 minutes and watched the seconds go by during the last minute. Ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one. It then became 11 o'clock.
"Refresh your email." Moxie said.
I listened to him and pressed the refresh button. In the important unread section of my email, there was a new message.
Brunsky comic competition 2022 results was what the email was called. I pressed on it and gasped as soon as I read the name of the winner. Me?
"Moxie, I won!"

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