7 | Bruce Yamada

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𝘽𝙧𝙪𝙘𝙚'𝙨 𝙋𝙊𝙑:

I haven't ever really, understood Finney. Not the way I want to understand him.

This isn't my fault, he just won't let me understand him.

I feel like he's shut me out a bit, kept me out of the loop, on purpose.

Sometimes he'll walk out to my car looking like he just finished sobbing his eyes out, his eyes will get all red and puffy and he'll say it's just allergies but I don't think he's telling the truth. I don't think he tells the truth about a lot of things.

Like why he constantly has bruises on his body. I don't want to make assumptions about his home life but It's getting hard to believe that this is all from Baseball. I'm worried, very worried.

I should probably stop talking to myself, Finney's about to end his shift.

3𝙧𝙙 𝙋𝙊𝙑:

Finney walked out of the café locking the door behind him. Today he had closed again on a very slow day. He walked up to Bruce's car and opened the passenger sides door before slipping into his seat and greeting Bruce.

"Hey Bruce"
Finney said with a smile and waving.

"Hey Finney, how was work?"
Bruce had asked him keeping eye contact with the brunette haired boy.

That was until he glanced down at the boys arm, he had noticed what seemed to be a fresh bruise.

"What happened?"
He asked sadly, examining his injury. Finney looked scared for a brief moment but he sighed and assured Bruce it was nothing.

"Don't worry, it was just baseball again. A ball hit me in the arm."
Finney said, clearly fibbing.

"Finn, this doesn't look like a bruise you'd get from playing a sport."
Bruce said, gazing into Finney's now watery eyes.

"You've been making this excuse for a bit now, is there something going on?"
Bruce asked.

Finney had looked extra nervous than before, it looked like he saw a ghost.

"No Bruce, there's nothing going on."
Finney said, clearly lying. 'Why am I such a liar' he'd ask himself.

Bruce said, starting the car and driving out of the parking lot.

Things were rather quiet for the remainder of the car ride, until Finney pitched a question to Bruce.

"So who was that date you've been hiding me from for oh so long?"
Finney asked dramatically trying to distract himself from his previous thoughts. Bruce laughed at his question.

"Hiding? You just haven't asked Finney!"
Bruce replied shaking his head and smiling.

"Well who is it?!"
Finney said, dying to know who.

"Okay, but don't freak out?"
Bruce said, awaiting Finney's response.


"I'm dating Vance Hopper"
Bruce said glancing at Finney whos jaw was on the floor.

Finney shrieked in shock.

Finney added his eyes extremely wide.

"Yea well that's because we've been keeping it a secret"
Bruce said with a sigh, he clearly didn't want it to be a secret but with the way things were, there didn't seem to be another choice that'd be safe.

"You're not the only one here with a secret, Bruce."
Finney said seriously, looking down at his feet.

"What do you mean?"
Bruce asked worried as can be tapping his thumb on the steering wheel.

"Me and Robin are together now!"
Finney said excitedly with a smile, looking at Bruce who also had a smile on his face.

"I'm proud of you Finnster"
Bruce said nudging Finney's shoulder. Finney groaned at the nickname. 'Finnster'. Gross.

"Bruce you know I hate that name"
Finney groaned.

"I know but I love it!"
Bruce said laughing.

Bruce pulled his vehicle into Finney's driveway, as Finney slipped out of the car, Bruce stopped him for a moment.

Bruce said.

Finney replied, confused.

"Me, you, Vance, and Robin should go on a discreet double date sometime."
Bruce said with a toothy smile.

"We should!!"
Finney said back with a smile before walking to his front door and entering the estate, leaving Bruce Yamada alone in his driveway only to be accompanied by his "what if" questions about Finney's personal life.

His home life.

𝙃𝙞𝙨 𝘾𝙤𝙛𝙛𝙚𝙚 𝘾𝙪𝙥𝙞𝙙 // RINNEY (Robin x Finney)Where stories live. Discover now