Part 40

98 10 31

~Third person view

His lips mashed against hers, as if he was trying to flatten and destroy her mouth.

She hungrily pushed back, her mouth open, tongue pushing past his clenched teeth to the moist space within, pushing him away with her tender arms.

Unfurling all her senses as the taste of him nearly silenced all of her own thoughts.

"Since you can't remember what happened last night, I make you be wide awake for now,"

\\♤♡ • ♧☆\\

"But I'll tell you everything soon,"

Of course she would lie! I'll tell you everything later but doesn't answer her phone. What was I thinking of letting her go yesterday, I should have handed Jungkook to Jin and went after her.

"Have you gotten to her yet?" Jin Hyung asked curiously after seeing my frustrated face.

"No, she hasn't answer any of my calls," I replied with, sitting beside Jin Hyung in an angered way.

"I'm sure she's busy with something, why don't you calm down and we'll visit Jungkook in the hospital?" Jin Hyung suggested.

Even though I wanted to say no, I couldn't avoid him forever. He was eventually going to ask about Ellie and when he finds out I got nothing, he's going to freak out.

"Hello, we're here to see Jeon Jungkook," Jin mentioned loudly over the noise of the hospital.

"Of course, he's in Room 203," The receptionist answered, giving the direction towards the corridor.

Walking in the corridor, I began to think of a good and pervasive excuse to tell Jungkook.

She won't kill him. No, too obvious. She promises not to kill anyone. No, he won't believe it. She hasn't answered any of my calls. He going to start panicking.

"Jungkook, it's Jin and Yoongi, we're coming in," Jin stated before opening the door.

Even though jungkook still had to stay in the hospital for a couple of more days, his arm was close to being fully healed and his energy hasn't really been to the fullest since he wasn't allowed to go back to the apartment.

"Hey guys," Jungkook answered, a smile for a period of time appeared on his face before disappearing again and waved with his good hand.

"Oh, what got you in a good mood today," Jin teased lightly, sitting beside Jungkook in the chair.

Jungkook looked like he couldn't contain the excitement that he was holding in.

"Ellie came to visit me today," Jungkook admitted happily.

"Ellie, like the girl that Yoongi couldn't get through the phone all day?"

"Yeah, Ellie Wonder, the girl had been living in our apartment together,"

Me and Jin Hyung had looked at each other with curious looks before beckoning Jungkook on to continue.

"She came by and was really sorry for yesterday, we just talked for a while before she had to leave around ten minutes ago,"

Ten minutes ago? We would have seen in the hospital or even coming out of the hospital but both of us didn't see any sight of her anywhere.

"Did she say why she wasn't answering her phone?" I questioned.

"She said that it was broken during the party yesterday,"

Her phone was broken? Why does she keep lying? Is there a secret that she can't tell me?

"But there was also something that looked very serious about her," Jungkook informed us.

"Serious? Like how?"

"Well, her smile did look very fake and I did see some bruises on her lips and around her face-"

"Are you sure she hasn't went to another mission and hurt herself?" Jin stated worriedly.

"No, she promised me that she won't go on any more assignments that are dangerous,"

If it's not a mission, then why injuries. She would never self-harm herself so someone must have done it to her.

"Yoongi, do you know Ellie's home address?"

I shook my head, all of us now worrying for the woman with many sides and shades.

"Jungkook, when she visits again, make sure to ask questions like 'are you okay?' or 'Do you need help?', you never know what might be happening to her,"

He nodded with determination, also wanting to do his part and help in any way he could to support Ellie.

Being it was time to go home, we said our goodbyes before leaving the hospital room and the hospital completely.

"So what do you think about this?" Jin asked as he was driving when we were in the car.

"About Ellie? It's complicated but there's too many secrets being kept from the rest of us,"

As much as I admit, I do love Ellie with all of my heart but it can't be this simple, whatever they were, things like this are keeping us apart.

"I think it's time to tell everyone else about Ellie's real job," Jin Hyung started after a while of silence.

Jin's words did strike a nervous system in me, the thought of telling everyone and them going to hate Ellie forever would be the worst thing to happen.


"Yeah... we can do that," I answered after a long breath.

"Good because we are already here," Jin stated as he parked close to our house.

I took another deep breath before exiting the car, walking up to the apartment and unlocking the door.

"Oh, you guys are back already?" Namjoon said gently, reading one of his favourite novels.

"Yeah, we ate," I replied, trying to sound confident but fully, nervousness took over my body that made Namjoon look away from his book.

"Is there something wrong Yoongi Hyung?"


"We just need to talk to everyone for a minute," Jin explained from my behalf and I quietly thanked him for that....

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