Part 12

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It was titled 'ideas for songs' and as I flickered through, some pages were sad and comforting when some were happy and made you smile, some didn't even make sense to me but it might to Yoongi himself.

"Why wouldn't you look at me, am I just invisible to you," As I was reading it in Korean, I felt it was directly relevant to me and I found it compelling. What is it about reading that that makes me feel guilty in a way.

"I shouldn't get so caught in this," I muttered silently, dropping the book back on the messy table before checking the rest of the bedroom.

There was no obvious sign that someone had tried to kill him, until I came across my gun in a drawer near the large bed.

"Nice, even if I didn't find any evidence, I found my gun," I whispered, checking to see that the ammo was still in, just like how it was at the Awards event.

"What were you looking for in the first place?"

When I turned around, Yoongi was standing behind me. It was the cloudy brown orbs of his eyes that bore into mine as he placed his hands against my side, pressing them into the drawer, leaving me with no way to escape.

When did they come back? Had I been reading that notebook for that long?

"Oh, Yoongi-"

"I asked you a question, what are you looking for in my room?"

Keeping my mouth shut, I looked over at the ground and hid the gun behind my back, even though Yoongi had definitely saw it already.

"Does it have to do with your job?"

"Yes but I can't tell you why," I finally muttered, glancing back at Yoongi when I heard a sigh come from him.

He still looked exhausted with dark circles under his eyes like he hasn't slept in days but with the make-up applied, you could hardly see it. His hair was fresh and frizzy from the hairdressers and he wore a brown aesthetic jumper with matching trousers.

"Why do you ignore me, am I just invisible to you?" Yoongi stated hesitantly, leaning into my shoulder as his arms respectfully wrapped round my waist.

I bit my lip at his action, thinking if I was doing too much. Was I acting as if he was invisible? Is that why he's acting like this?

"Hey Ellie, do you want to listen to my music-" Yoongi had tried to ask me, getting a  really good piece of his song.

"Jungkook, Taehyung, you better stop eating Jin's food before he finds out!" I teased, scaring the younger duo in the process.

Not knowing that Yoongi was there, I started to play with the duo, Yoongi's face showing the expression of being ignored.

Yoongi then left in despair, slowly walking up the staircase to head to his room. Jin was watching the whole scene, being very worried for Yoongi.

I had really ignored him many times before but I didn't really think it would affect him that much to the extent that he wasn't sleeping well. Did he really want my attention that bad?

Dropping the gun on the drawer, I slowly set my hands on Yoongi's back to return the long but very nice hug. Yoongi seemed to appreciate it and snuggled closer, supposedly taking all of my lavender scent.

A great but tight hug. I haven't done that in a long time, except the one I can remember very vaguely, the night before my parents left for an assignment, before they were killed and I became an agent myself.

"Um, Yoongi?"

The sound that indicated he was listening came in, Yoongi's nose coming contact to my neck, goosebumps spread across my body in an instant like electricity.

"I'll stop ignoring you but can I have my gun back, I swear I won't use it, it just makes me feel... more comfortable," I explained gently to him.

Yoongi then nodded but didn't move his position, hugging me tighter than before as he let out a short relieved sigh.

"Yoongi, could... could you please let me go,"

"No, I mean- can we stay like this, just for a while, please?" Yoongi pleaded tiredly, his stress showed how tired he was and how he longed for a hug like this...

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