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2 weeks later

Beep, beep, beep

Peter groaned and turned his alarm clock off. He was definitely not ready for today. And not just because he had Spanish at school.

But because it was his birthday. August 10th.

He doesn't hate his birthday, far from it, actually. It was just that...he knew his family was going to make a big deal about it, and he wasn't prepared.

Once he was fully awake, he picked up his phone and answered all the birthday messages. His favourite was Shuri's. (Hbday fellow Padawan!) once he had replied to all of them, he registered the smell of pancakes coming from the kitchen. A smile grew on his face and he flung the covers off him. Maybe today wouldn't be so bad after all.

He was quickly proven wrong by that thought once he walked into the living room. It was covered in decorations, top to bottom. His presents were lying on the coffee table. All of them weren't able to fit on there so they had put the rest on the floor, underneath the table. Peter's eyes widened as he tried to count the amount of presents, but he would be there for hours so he stopped.

Nat, Steve and Tony were in the room, obviously waiting for Peter's arrival. Tony was stood in the kitchen, making the pancakes, whereas Steve and Nat were sat in the living room.

They were the first to see Peter since Tony had his back turned. Nat immediately jumped up. "The birthday boy is here!" She exclaimed.

Tony instantly turned himself around. "Morning, kid. Happy birthday!" He said, about to go and hug the boy before Nat stopped him.

"No, me first!"

"What? He's my son!"

"Your pancakes are about to burn."

"Shit." He exclaimed, immediately turning back around to flip them. Nat smirked and wrapped her arms around Peter.

"Happy birthday, Pete."

"Thanks Nat." He chuckled. She pulled away and Steve replaced her spot. He put an arm around Peter and squeezed his shoulder.

"Happy birthday, son. How old are you now?"

Nat rolled her eyes.

"I'm, uh...fifteen." Peter said, as if he forgot.

"Steve, take over. I need to hug my spider-kid." Tony called from the kitchen. Steve obeyed the command, and Tony walked over to Peter.

He gave his son a crushing hug with a kiss to the head. "Happy birthday, buddy."

"Thanks Dad, but..." He replied and pulled away. "You...you didn't have to do all of this, you know?" He mumbled, low enough that only Tony heard.

"Stop being so humble and let me spoil you." The man said, ruffling his hair. "I made you pancakes. Eat them quickly and then Happy will drive you to school."

Peter sighed but didn't protest. He spent the rest of his morning eating his birthday pancakes, talking to his family and then got ready for school.

"Bye Dad!" He called as he slung his backpack over his shoulder and made his way to the elevator.

"Have a good day, kid! Remember to...y'know...listen to your teachers and all that...and don't take any shit from bullies. Kick their ass if you want to, I don't mind!" Tony called back. Peter laughed as he stepped into the elevator.

He was greeted by Happy in the garage, who said a simple 'hi' to him before getting in the car. He didn't wish him a happy birthday, but Peter didn't mind.

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