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Within a few days, Tony knew everything about Peter's powers. What they did, how they worked, and what he needed.

That included extra food because of his metabolism, enhanced medicine for his super strength and also for his metabolism, and some upgrades around the compound to make him feel comfortable with his enhanced senses.

Peter had his sling off, and he was completely healed.

Healed physically.

Physically, not mentally.

Tony had turned the guest room into Peter's own room. He bought him clothes, shoes...pretty much anything you could think of. His room was decorated in the way Peter wanted. There was a lot of Star Wars themed stuff since that's what the kid liked.

Peter didn't know why the man did all of those things for him. It's not like he was staying at the compound with him forever anyway. And the kid knew he was a curse. Who would ever want him?

"Pete?" A voice next to the boy called. Peter flinched and turned his head to Tony.

"Were you listening to anything I was saying?" Tony said with a laugh. Peter gave an apologetic smile before turning his whole body on the couch to face the man, implying that he was listening now.

"I asked if you wanted to go somewhere? You've been cooped up in the compound for almost a week now, so I figured you'd wanna go out to wherever you want." Tony repeated. Peter smiled slightly, he wanted to say yes, but then a horrible memory flooded his mind.

'Where is it?' The 10 year old boy asked himself. His Aunt just dropped him off at school but Peter snuck into the field before he went in. He hid his mask in some of the bushes last night. He was in a hurry and had no time to hide it somewhere better, and he needed to find it if he wanted to swing around the city that night.

He got on his hands and knees and dug through the dirt and the branches. He mumbled to himself in search for it, when his spidey senses started going off at a rapid rate. He swallowed the lump in his throat and lifted his head up from the bush and looked around him.

No one was there, maybe it was a false alarm? No, it couldn't be. His spidey senses are never wrong.

"Hello?" He called out, looking around him. Maybe his friends were playing a prank on him. Yeah, that's got to be it. Peter smirked to himself.

"Harry? Freya? Are you there?" He called out again. But his smile dropped when there was no reply and his spidey senses started rising more.

Run. It was telling him to run. So he did.

He turned around and started sprinting away from the school. He jumped over the fence, using his super strength. He didn't care who saw him at this point, because he knew something bad was after him.

His spidey senses were starting to burn. This was bad. Really really bad.

No matter how fast and how far he ran, the warning wouldn't go away.

And then, a gun shot.

A stinging in Peter's right leg.

An exhausted feeling flooding through the boy.

Collapsing to the ground, plucking the dart out of his leg and inspecting it, before the darkness took over.

That's what happened the last time Peter was outside. He didn't want to risk that again.

Tony noticed the boy's smile drop, and so did his.

"It's only an idea, kid. We don't have to if you're not ready." Tony reassured him. Peter sighed and moved closer to the man on the couch. He felt comfortable around Tony, he felt safe. So maybe it wouldn't be so bad if they went outside. As long as he was with Peter the whole time. But not that day, maybe not even tomorrow. But he knew he would agree soon.

Peter started writing on a piece of paper that was on the coffee table. Tony had started leaning notepads and pens all around the compound for when Peter needed to say something.

'Soon. But not now.'

Tony read the sentence and have Peter a nod. "Alright, that's fine with me. It just means we can stay on the couch all day and watch Star Wars." The older man said. Peter looked at him excitedly, with a huge smile on his face and nodded.

Tony laughed before standing up.

"Put it on then, I'll make you lunch." He said and walked to the kitchen. Peter grabbed the remote and put on Disney+.

"Hey kid, I was thinking." Tony called from the kitchen. Peter turned his head to him so Tony knew he was listening. "How would you feel about learning sign language? It would be much easier to communicate. I already know sign language because this one business partner I had was deaf and - y'know what, that's not important. Just tell me what you think."

Peter thought about it for a second. He didn't know when he would start talking again. It could be months, it could be years. All he knew was that he would soon get tired from all the writing. It's wasn't a bad idea.

The boy finally nodded and Tony smiled. Peter wondered how this would work. Would there be a tutor?

"Great! I'll start teaching you tonight if you'd like?" Tony said, startling Peter. The boy was much more comfortable with Tony teaching him sign language rather than a tutor. Peter smiled and nodded.

Tony walked back over to Peter with a plate of food. It had a chicken burrito on with a side salad. Peter immediately started eating as Tony sat back down next to him.

Tony turned on Star Wars and they both watched it with a smile on their faces.

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